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Friday, April 07, 2006

APR 07/06 7:55 PM

It's been a long day and I think I need a nap. I got the third box of my order today. It was some frigging heavy. I have boxes everywhere. I even have boxes full of boxes. Last night at bowling my team only took two points. I couldn't bowl worth poop. I did, however, manage to sell an angel and seven butterfly pins while I was at the bowling center. I thought that was pretty good because I only sold to my team and the competition. I have to keep a low profile with selling or everybody'll start selling there. I checked my bank account to see if it was still there and,Wahoooo, there was a GST cheque deposited. I forgot all about it and didn't even know it was there. I have to go and take a nap then celebrate with a Deluxe cheeseburger platter with extra ketchup.


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