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Friday, May 14, 2010

MAY 14/10 11:26 PM

Today was a long day. I woke up about 4:30 am and played on the puter. I went back to sleep around 6:00 am and was woken to the chirping on my pal, Buddy Bird. It was 7:58 and I had to be at my parent's at 8:00 so out the door I hobbled. I napped in my parent's front porch. Later I took the dog for three walks and played on the puter. In the evening I went to the market to rearrange my shelves a bit. Dave bought lots of pizza so I helped get rid of three peices of it. It was good and I was stuffed. After that it was off to the beverage boutique to get my Faxe straight. I stopped by Sobey's on the way back and bought Buddy some bird seed. I almost paid double for it but but figured it was better than pedalling across town to the dollar store. I'm off to watch some tv.


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