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Friday, August 06, 2010

AUG 06/10 11:15 PM

Today Mrs W and myself went to The Rocks. I had to take a leak and discovered there are still outhouses in the world. It was a scary sight. I got a bit tired out and got a drive on the shuttle cart back up the hill. We had dinner on the resturant patio. We each had a fried clam platter. A squirell joined us for dinner and I fed him a couple of french fries. He seamed to like them. I asked the waitress if there were free refills on the coffee and she went to see. I think she forgot to come back so now I'll probably never know. The dog got her three walks and I took a couple of naps on the couch. I had a barbeque at my landlord's and brought home some tasty hamburgers. It was a pretty good day and I'm tired as heck. I'm off for a nap or to sleep through some tv.


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