adopt your own virtual pet!

Friday, August 27, 2010

AUG 27/10 11:55 PM

I ran a couple of errands today. On the way back I had dinner at a soup kitchen. The food was quite good and I saw lots of people I know there. I might make it back on Monday. I took the dog for three walks then we went to Riverview to the dog park. I don't think she saw that many dogs at once in her life. She had a great time there and was protecting me from the other ankle biters. She wasn't wearing her leash but was following me along at my feet. One of the other puppies charged towards me anf hit my cubes with both his paws. I saw a flash of light and looked to see if Bob Saggat was nearby with a video camera. Luckilly for him he wasn't. I took a nap and watched some tv after I got home. I'm off to watch some more tv.


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