adopt your own virtual pet!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

OCT 06/11 3;16 PM (FOR OCT 05/11)

It was a long day. The internet wasn't working for about half the day. I took the dog for only one walk. I went on a Whopper run for my father. I couldn't find the bus pass so I gathered up a loonie, nickle, dime, and 85 pennies, and pedalled a few blocks over to catch the bus. As I was locking my bike the bus started to pull away. I somehow managed to stop it and get on. I went to the beer store then to Burger King. When I was in Burger King I looked out the window and saw the bus going by. I went outside in the pouring rain and waited for the next bus. I realized I only had $1.35 in change in my pockets, not enough for bus fare. I went back to Burger King to get some change. When I was in the line up another bus went by. I eventually got on the bus and headed for home. I got wet pedalling from the bus stop to my parent's place but the Whoppers arrived safely. As I was bringing the bike in the house the pedal fell off and went under the front steps. I got soaked looking for the pedal but eventually found it. I was tired and took a nap on the couch after eating a Whopper and sipping on a beer. Soon it was time to get ready for bowling. The light in the stairwell decided to give up the ghost leaving the 13 steps in total darkness. I took my jolly old time and eventually made it down safely. I got to the bowling alley and found out I had a pocket full of Canadian Tire money with me instead of real currency. Luckilly I somehow remembered to brink my bank card. The team I spared for kicked the other team's ass royally. We took six points. When I got home I almost fell up the stairs then discovered the internet was gone again. I sipped on some beer and ate another Whopper.


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