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Saturday, April 28, 2012

APR 28/12 12:28 AM (FOR APR 27/12)

It was a spooky day. I woke up around 5:30 am to an awful sewer smell. After hacking and coughing for about an hour it mysteriously disappeared. I don't know what it was but holey ole frig I almost keeled over. About 9:00 am the power went off for about half a second. I set off on a bus excursion to Riverview and the wifi on the bus was acting up. Then my smart phone started acting up. My tablet started acting up. When I got home my laptop started acting up. My nephew's wifi started acting up. There was enough acting up to fill my shelf with academy awards. Holey crapolla, I even got the blue screan of death trying to post my diary. I'm almost at the end of my rope. I'm trying to watch some tv but the remote control is acting up and I'm too cranky and lazy to get off the couch to turn on the tv. I think I'll curse and swear for awhile then try to get some much needed beauty sleep.


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