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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

JUL 10/12 11:42 PM

I woke up around 2:00 am and had a hard time getting back to sleep. I woke up again around 4:30 am and went back to sleep. I woke up 5:30 am and decided to stay up. I played on the puter. Later Cookie and myself went on a short bike excursion. I dropped by the doctor's office to see if my appointment was June 20th or July 20th. As luck would have it June 20th was the day. Now it's changed to July 20th. Ihope I don't frig that one up, feeble old geezer that I am. In the afternoon I took the puppy for a walk then went on a bike trip to Centennial park. I was tired and didn't want to go but Cookie bribed me with a couple of salami and cheese sandwiches.  When I got home I took a five minute nap on the chair on the front steps. Later I played on the puter. I'm off to get some beauty rest. Tomorrow is Whopper Wednesday and I might accidently stop at the beverage store on the way.


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