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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

OCT 23/13 11:56 PM

The pills finally wore off around 4:30 am. I made it to my 9:45 am appointment at the hospital. I drove the chainsaw bike and found it hard to start this morning. I was at the hospital for almost three hours. I had blood tests, an ecg, got my defibulator checked out, etc. They somehow determined it wasn't the pills causing my problem, it's possibly just the period it takes for my body to adjust to the pills. After the tests were done I went to Burger King, buying a couple of Whoppers to commemorate Whopper Wednesday. After I got home my landlord gave me a couple more. I stayed away from the beverage store and think I'll do so for a couple more weeks. I relaxed and watched some tv. I think I'll go watch some more tv.


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