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Friday, October 23, 2009

OCT 23/09 11:14 PM

My day started off on the wrong foot. I went to put the kitchen garbage in a bigger bag and dropped it all over the floor. I had a meeting at social services for 9:15 am. I almost broke my neck surfing across the new front steps forgetting to get an important document from the mail box as I slipped by. I guess a sheet of plywood covered in slush and snow is more slippery than conventional steps. Pedalling down Lutz Street I noticed my front tire starting to get low. I prayed it wouldn't go flat. I got to my appointment and realized I forgot a couple of papers. I also didn't bring any id. Later in the afternoon, around 4:00 pm, I returned and dropped off the papers. I decided to go to the flea market to rearange my tables. It was cold out and it started snowing so I pedalled to the Super Store to get some air for the bike and to warm up a bit. I went back to the market and almost froze my a$$ off waiting for somebody to arrive. I eventually got in and changed some merchandise around. I decided to stop at the beer store on the way home and bought some beer. I eventually made it home and enjoyed the beer and my batch of mutated Kraft Dinner. I'm off to watch some cartoons and get some beauty sleep.


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