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Monday, February 27, 2012

FEB 27/12 11:06 PM

It was quiet at the market. It was probably because the market wasn't open. My monthly checque got deposited early this morning so I paid a couple of bills on the internet before embarking on a sightseeing trip to scenic Riverview. Later I took the dog for a walk. I took a short nap to help rest up and prepare for a longer nap. I cooked up a big pot of spagetti and enjoyed a late supper. It was so good I guess I'll have some for breakfast, dinner, and supper tomorrow. I just looked at my secret supply of beer and am a bit amazed it's been there for two months. If it's there for another month I'm checking myself for ID to see if I'm really me. I guess I'm off to check my email then to watch some tv.


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