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Sunday, September 30, 2012

SEP 30/12 11:09 PM

It was a long day. I woke up around 4:00 am. I tried to get back to sleep but gave up. I nodded off a couple of the puter chair for a few minutes at a time. It was quiet at the market. Three people fed me, and one person gave me coffee, so it wasn't too bad of a day. Mrs W, Cookie, and myself went to the casino for supper. For the first time in about twenty years I didn't finish all the food on my plate. It's not that the food wasn;t good. It was excellent. I guess I just miscalculated the amount of food on both plates. There was a lot of roast beef on the first plate. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm still too full to drink the beer I have hidden behind the speaker by my couch. Soon it will be too late to drink it as I have blood tests and x-rays to get done in the morning. Oh well, there will be more to enjoy tomorrow. I'm off to watch some tv.


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