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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

APR 18/06 10:00 AM

It's another rainy day in Metro Moncton. The wind has been hammering at the old homestead all night. I shudder to think of my pilgrimage to Riverview this afternoon. Yesterday I made a gallon of mexican soup and am getting tired of it after a mere five bowls. I have lots more of it in the fridge. My little business/hobby is starting to take off. I'm not making a lot of money but sure having fun at it. I wish I had started it last fall so I'd have had something to do all winter. Oh well live and learn. Today looks like a great day for a haircut and I'd cut it right now except I'm waiting for the postman to drop off a package. I hate answering the door with only half a haircut. I'd better get packing the gym bag. I have things to do, people to see, and butterflies to sell.


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