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Thursday, April 01, 2010

APR 01/10 10:12 PM

Today was full of wonderfull surprises. I had to go for blood tests and had a great idea. If I packed my own bread, juice, and peanut butter I could probably save about $4.00 and cut about ten or fifteen minutes off my test time. My tests usually involve giving a blood sample, rushing to the cafereria, getting lost on the way, consuming toast and juice, waiting two hours then going back to give another blood sample. Counting my time pedalling to and from the hospital, or taking busses, this whole proceedure ties up about 3 1/2 hours of my valuable time. I got there today and found the blood clinic had moved. After following red hand symbols down seemingly endless cooridors I finally found where I was going, or so I thought. There was ten minutes wasted in lineup #1 to find out where I was supposed to really go. I was waiting in lineup #2 when I remembered I was supposed to turn left instead of right so across the hall I went to start my own lineup I'll call #3. I did the usual question and medicare card showing ceremony then it was back to lineup #2 which I appropiately renamed lineup #4. It turned out I didn't have to do the two hour test so out the side door I went before they decided to change their minds. Now I had the fun of trying to find my bike which was way at the furthest end of the hospital at 100 Arden St. As I huffed and puffed my way pedalling back up the hill I decided to fall off the wagon and cash in a couple of free coupons at the beer store. I was almost heartbroken to find out the beer store is closed down. By then I was exhausted and tired, too. I slowly pedalled home, sloloming the countless puddles and pedestrians all the way down Mountain Rd and side streets. I made it home and took a great 20 minute power nap. I took the dog for a long walk tonight and watched her strategically place land mines in my yard. I hope the people who cut through the yard in the middle of the night find them as amusing as much as I think they will. I'm off to watch some tv then take a nap.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger Monctonian said...

You must have missed my posts about the blood clinic moving.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Willy C Wuddle said...

I remember reading about it somewhere but just didn't put two and two together. Holey Moley, that's a long excursion down all those hallways.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Monctonian said...

They need a new bike rack near the new entrance.

I walk across the car park and go straight to the new part.

Unfortunately, they turned the entrance I began using into staff only. It had been a short cut.

The place is brilliant!!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Willy C Wuddle said...

I always bring my own portable bike rack. It's called a kickstand. Hee hee. To the best of my very limited knowledge the door off of Walsh Street appears to be the best bet so far.


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