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Saturday, November 05, 2011

OCT 05/11 11:50 PM

It was slow at the market but I managed to stay awake all day. One person fed me and three gave me coffee. Hmmm, maybe that is why I stayed awake. When I got home I was going to take a nap but the phone rang. As I was on the phone the doorbell rang. It was my landlord wanting to show me all the police cars. There were eight of them parked down the street and around the corner. We never found out what was going on as they just up and went after about an hour. A CBC cameraman said something about a shooting but there were no bodies, no yellow tape, and no visible Tim Horton coffees. Oh well, maybe Monday's newspaper will have something written about it. I checked YouTube to see if Newschaser put up any videos about it. I guess there aren't any new ones, just one from about a year and a half ago. I'm off to watch some tv then probably turn my clock in the wrong direction when the time changes.


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