adopt your own virtual pet!

Monday, October 31, 2011

OCT 31/11 10:52 PM

I took the dog for two walks. Later I handed out treats to the trick or treaters at my parent's place. I used corny lines like "I ran out of candy so all I have left is beer" (luckily that one didn't get me arrested) and "I ran out of candy, you can have the dog", (the dog gave me a dirty look at that comment). After handing out the Halloween treats I went on a bus excursion where I bought a five window insulating kit and some beer. I only need a kit for three windows, but most stores sell eight or ten window kits, so I'm ahead of the game. Also,I can drink the beer and make two mistakes. I have one window done and can feel the difference already. I can finish my beer and still make two more mistakes. On a sad note,my favourite beer went from $2.95 to $3.39 a can overnight. That is highway robbery, but the beer is still a good bargain. I'm on the wagon after midnight so I'd better drink my last beer before then. I'm off to drink my last beer, play on the puter, then watch some tv.


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