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Friday, January 06, 2012

JAN 06/12 11:36 PM

It was another long day. I took the dog for a walk. I got my keys back from Cookie. She had a big note on her door telling me m keys were in her mailbox. I'm sure glad a few people in the neighbourhood can't read. After that I was off to the pharmacy for my new prescriptions. My plan was basically simple. I was going to hop on the #5 bus, get a transfer to #12, do my busines, come back on #14, transfer to #5, then arive home. It was easy, leave at 1:15 pm and arive home at 4:15 pm then take the dog for another walk. It was a supposed to be to be a simple, stress free outing with some fresh air and a small bit of physical activity. I should know better than to try to plan things. To start off the blood thinners still in my blood made it feal about 20 below. The Superstore has a sale going where a lot of items are on sale for $1.00. I saw a lot of products I'm not supposed to have and am amazed with my willpower in not buying them. I had the sence to fill my hand basket with a lot of light powdert type of products so I wouldn't have to carry a heavy too heavy a load. I was doing good so far. I went back to the pharmacy section and sat on the little waiting bench. People kept coming and going. I came to the conclusion that with all the people coming and going somebody must be selling drugs there. I checked the time and was amazed to find that three hours had gone buy already. Time flies when I'm telling stories to people (for me that is...hee hee). There was nobody in the lineup so I decided to check to see how things were coming along. My order was ready well over an hour before then. They didn't see me on the bench because of the new partition, and I stayed awake so they didn't hear me snoring (that bench is great for napping on), so they figured I wasn't there and nobody came around to wake me up. It was no problem. I got my prescriptions and paid for my prescriptions. I had almost $19.00 in Superbucks so my 2 1/2 bags of groceries cost me 53 cents....Wahooo. I got outside and realized I had about 45 minutes til the next bus came. It felt like a long wait, but heck, I've waited longer. The bus came and I got on. I was in the home streach now. My happiness was short lived. A girl got on the bus with a small kid. The kid had a dirty diaper and directly across from me. It was a long, long trip back to Moncton. With the gout in my knee starting to act up, I was starting to get cranky. I was almost home when, DING, somebody rang the bell. Normally it isn't a problem with me, I'll just get off there and walk home. I didn't have to the nerve to ring the bell at my bus stop which is only three houses away. I decided to stay on the bus and get off up the street, using it as an excuse to stop and buy a lottery ticket. Wonder of wonders, I found out I didn't have any money with me. I thought to myself, I should have gotten off at the first stop. My knee was really starting to ache by now. On the way home these two young guys were coming along the sidewalk side by each. Neither yealded so I stepped onto somebody's lawn into a small hole. Holey geez, did that ever hurt. Further on a streetlight went out causing me to step into a deep crack in the sidewalk. I commemorated the event with a loud round of profanity. I made it home and hobbled up the stairs, glad to finally be home. My 3 hour trip somehow turned into 7/12 hours. I'm tired. Holey $%#@, I just realized I,ve been typing for about 75 minutes on this entry. I'm off for beauty sleep.


At 11:22 PM, Blogger Monctonian said...

Nobody at the hospital suggesting to make you bionic then?

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Willy C Wuddle said...

I think I've already used up my $6,000,000.00 budget.


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