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Sunday, November 06, 2011

NOV 06/11 11:27 PM

It was really slow at the market again. I sold more in the last half hour than I did for the rest of the day. Three peopple fed me and two people gave me coffee so it was a good day. I only got about fifteen minutes of sleep last night so I was quite tired and nodded off a couple of times. When closing time came I packed up and was ready to go. I was tired and wanted to take a nap on the couch when I got home. People were taking their good old time leaving so about 4:20 pm I started to haul the stuff in. I decided to take a break as there were still people wandering around. Even Dolly was still there, and she's usually long gone by then. I couldn't pile stuff in her section yet. Then I realised I forgot to change my clocks at the market. Needless to say I felt quite foolish as I put some of the stuff back outside. After I got home I crashed out on the couch and had a great sleep. Now that I have the energy, I think I'm off to clean up the pld homestead a bit.


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