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Friday, June 16, 2006

JUN 16/06 6:18 AM

It's another sunny day in scenic Taterland and I just got back from taking a pee in behind the house. There's just something about peeing in the great outdoors, with the trees, fresh air, and birds chirping, that makes it a great experience. The world is my urinal. Then there's the bad news. So far this morning I've burnt my finger wrestling a half slice loaf end out ou the toaster and put my foot in a strategically placed water dish. Those cats love to play pranks with me. I am not going to let any puters get me going today. I had a minor temper flare up around one AM this morning when this puter lost it's internet then then my laptop started acting up. I truly was in computer hell. I thought today was Thursdsy until Mrs W pointed out that it was Friday. How time flies when I'm having fun. Tomorrow is Saturday, the day of the company picknic (bar be que) and tomorrow night the ICS part of the companie's barbeque. My diet will surely be all blown to heck. Sorry, doc. Soon Mrs. W will be going to the gym and I might go for a walk. I'm off to to see what's going on before the internet realises I'm awake. Maybe I'll get lucky and get to check some e-mail, too.


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