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Saturday, April 03, 2010

APR 03/10 9:57 PM

Today was a good day. I pedalled to the market. It was a very nice morning with lots of sunlight and fresh air. I didn't have any sales until almost 2:00 pm. After that I sold a couple of objects. When I got home my father wanted me to do a beer run. As I had $20.00 worth of free beer store coupons from last month's promotions, I was off to the beer store. My father bought me six 500 ml cans of Faxe beer and I got to cash in two $10.00 beer store coupons. As I exhuastingly pedalled back to my parent's place I discovered they had a great dinner cooked for me. Later I took the dog for a walk then started to get poopeyed. Through a lot of trial and error , I finally got my wireless internet working again. WAHOOOO!


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