adopt your own virtual pet!

Friday, March 05, 2010

MAR 05/10 10:46 PM

Today was a fairly productive day. I took my parent's dog for three walks, took a few naps, and played on the puter. I decided to open up a vintage 1996 jar of Kraft peanut butter and put some in a couple of mouse traps. Wonder of wonders, I just caught a mouse now. I'm stuck with a dilenema. He's still alive so I don't want to try and take him from the trap. I also don't want any others to see him there or they won't fall for it next time I set it. I'll have to scoop up both him and the trap somehow and give him a burial at sea. I'm off to a small funeral. I will remove my hat and eat a piece of cheese in respect.


At 11:04 PM, Blogger Willy C Wuddle said...

It was a quick funeral. He passed away before I got to the trap. The trap has been reloaded and, hopefully if all goes well, he will soon be reunited with his loved ones.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Monctonian said...

I can recommend Victor "Quick Kill" traps.

Black plastic things.

I'm no expert - other than three successes and no mice since - but it occurs to me that with the little wooden ones, the mouse can trip the spring from almost any position, thus catching any part of its body. They also turn over sometimes as they're so light - the trap, not the mouse. lol

The QK trap is so designed that the mouse gets to the PB only one way - by pushing it's nose to the PB from the front. I found it a good idea to place the trap against a wall or something so it doesn't push the trap along.

Because the mouse can only get to the PB one way, there's only one thing the bar hits and it just has to be quick as a result.

Now you're gonna tell me it was one of those and I'm wrong. Ha.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Willy C Wuddle said...

This is only an El Cheapo trap but it killed him very fast. I put a piece of cucumber in it earlier tonight. I'm going to build what I call a peanut butter bunker tonight. Hopefully a couple will "drop in" for visit.


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