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Saturday, December 30, 2006

DEC 30/06 11:08 PM

Today I just took it easy all day. I ate and slept. I watched some TV and played on the puter. I went out for a walk and changed my socks.

Friday, December 29, 2006

DEC 29/06 10:41 PM

Today Mrs W went back home. I set up my nephew's new puter, installed the antivirus, and set up the internet for him. It was some cold doing my nightly walk. I'm off to bed.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

DEC 28/06 10:51 PM

Today was a productive day. W did the laundry and got Chicken Wing's internet running. Mrs W built the computer desk. We went to get my prescriptions and got a couple of pizzas.

DEC 28 TH 2:00 AM (FOR DEC 25TH, 26TH, 27TH)

These days were a time for consuming massive amounts of food and root beer. I had diahreah all Wednesday night. I was King For A Day. That's why I'm up early.

Monday, December 25, 2006

DEC 25/06 (FOR DEC 24/06 AND DEC 23/06 ALSO)

Do to being slightly intoxicated the last couple of nights this diary wasn't updated. Dec 23rd and Dec 24th were almost nonstop. Everything had to be done and nothing seamed to be getting finished. Now, it's Christmas and I'm just relaxing and slowly waking up. The sun is shining brightly and it looks like a real nice day. I'm off to find some breakfast.

Friday, December 22, 2006

DEC 22/06 10:03 PM

Today was a good day to go for a walk. It was also a good day to relax and to sip. I bought a lot of brew today. I am behind in my sipping. I tried to catch up today. I may try again to catch up tomorrow.

DEC 22/06 2:10 AM (FOR DEC 21/06)

Thursday was an ok day. It was cold out. We sucked poop at bowling. I drank lots of bowling alley coffee.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

DEC 20/06 11:07 PM

Today was a good day for a walk. I walked to the flea market, bread store, then Handi's store for 3 subs. I got a few things accomplished today. My mother got me to pick up a Moncton flag today she bought for my father. Holey Hannah, It cost over $142.00. That is a lot of subs and beer. I'm off to do some dishes.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

DEC 19/06 11:27 PM

Today was a long day. I sipped whiskey all day. It is easier to sip whiskey than finding a job. Being a wino is by far easier than being an executive.

Monday, December 18, 2006

DEC 18/06 11:20 PM

Today was a long day and I did a lot of walking. Tonight, the owner of the flea market took us all out to dinner. The food, wine, and beer were really good

Sunday, December 17, 2006

DEC 17/06 10:00 PM

Today I had a better day than usual at the flea market. I didn't make lots of money but I had fun. Tonight I went for a long walk then did the dishes. Now I'm casually sipping on a couple of beer. Tomorrow I have to get out Christmas shopping, do the laundry, then go out for dinner. Jeff, the guy who owns the flea market, is taking us all out to dinner. My taste buds are watering. Possibly I might just be an old senile fart drooling.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

DEC 16/06 10:28 PM (FOR DEC 14, 15 AND 16/06)

I've been quite busy the last couple of days and somehow forgot to post here. Thursday I was out trying to sell products. Thursday night I tried to bowl and made it home quite late. I did a lot of paperwork and got poopeyed til about 4:00 AM. Friday I did a beer run for a couple of people. That is pretty good considering I don't own a vehicle. Friday night I tried to sell some products and got into the beverages at Fireman Phil's place. I stayed up late. Today I did a few odd jobs around the old homestead. I'm off for my daily walk.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

DEC 13/06 11:33 PM

Today I walked to the flea market and rotated my stock a bit. I reorganized under my table a bit. After that I walked to the bread store where I hit the jackpot. There were a lot of different kinds of bread on sale for 89 cents a loaf. I ate almost a whole loaf already.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

DEC 12/06 10:32 PM

I just woke up from a power nap. Today has been a quiet day and I didn't get much done. I read lots of e-mail and chatted on Yahoo. I made a few posts on

DEC 12/06 10:41 AM (FOR DEC 11/06)

I was busier than a dog with 2 willies and a park full of trees. I put everything on hold and drank some Faxe beer.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

DEC 10/06 11:32 PM

It was a slow day at the flea market. I traded a set of plates for a TV, 3 pens for a CD player, and 2 pens for a heater/cooler combo. The heater/cooler needs an adaptor. The special draw I got going took in 8 items of food to be donated to a local food bank. The prize, a set of 3 collector plates and stand, are valued at $34.95 and the roll of tickets cost me $16.38. I hope to get a lot more people enter the lottery as I could have just as easily donated the money instead. Cost of a ticket is one nonperishable food item of 39 cents or more value. Drawing is Dec. 24th at noon.

DEC 10/06 11:30 AM (FOR DEC 09/06)

I went out walking and stopped by the Main St. beverage store. I got poopeyed.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

DEC 09/06 12:30 AM (FOR DEC 08/06)

Holy crud, It's cold out tonight. I made a garbage run to the park earlier and almost froze my arse off. I just got back home from Fireman Phil's. I sold a few products and drank some of his coffee. I'm off to bed before I lose my bet.

Friday, December 08, 2006

DEC 08/06 4:14 AM (FOR DEC 07/06)

We really kicked ass at bowling. The main reason was the other team didn't show up. Wahooooo, Now we're in first place. Thursday was a good day besides bowling. I sold a candle, a chess set, a clock, and a welcome sign. I didn't make much money but I had an excuse to go out walking and get fresh air and exercise. Now I'm tired. I'm off to bed. See ya.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

DEC 06/06 (10:50 PM)

Today was a mellow day. I walked to the flea market, bread store, beer store, laundrymat, pizza shop, conveniance store, and wee wee wee wee all the way home. I sipped on some beer and ate some pizza. I'm off to bed.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

DEC 05/06 9:06 PM

Today I went to the bowling alley, sub store, and beverage retail outlet. I got lots of fresh air and exercise. I even sold a set of candles.

Monday, December 04, 2006

DEC 04/06 11:26 PM

Today I had good sales. Between Buttercup, Fireman, and Fireman's daughter I actually made a couple of dollars. I celebrated my good fortune by buying an Atlantic 49 lottery ticket. It was a nice night for walking but it was slippery because of the ice and snow.

DEC 04/06 (FOR DEC 03/06)

Sunday was a long day. The flea market was slow. I was a designated driver then got sipping on a few brew. I got home and found 4 big boxes in my front porch. I guess the Post Office delivers on Sunday now. I hauled the boxes upstairs then went out for my nightly walk. I ate a 12 inch pizza and went to bed without making this post.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

DEC 02/06 10:07 PM

Today I went out for a walk down to the Farmer's Market to listen to WWJD and the crew street preaching. They weren't there so I hiked off to Burger King to cash a coupon in. My shoes didn't feal quite right . I looked down and realized the left heal was broken. It sure was a long hike (hobble) back home. Tonight I put on a gallon of ginger wine. It sure smells good. I still have the beer in my fridge from yesterday. They're starting to call but I'm ignoring them. I'm off to watch some TV.

Friday, December 01, 2006

DEC 01/06 9:24 PM

Today was another quiet day at the old homestead. I got out for my daily walk and deposited a bag of correctly sorted refuse in the proper container down on Main St near City Hall. I then proceeded to the beer store to buy 2 beer. I figured "What the heck?" and bought 4 of them. I still have all 4 and will probably sip on them on Sunday night. I have to go dispose of 4 boxes of packing peanuts. A big order is coming in on Monday and I have to clear out some room.

DEC 01/06 1:22 AM (FOR NOV 30/06)

It was a real nice day. I went for a long hike. My bowling team really sucked at bowling. I drank lots of coffee and will now probably regret it.