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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

NOV 27/13 10:49 PM

I got my CPP check. I paid the power and gave them a few dollars extra in case I have a big bill next month. I was tempted to go to the beer store but decided not to as I wasn't feeling very good. Mrs W went back home. She says she will try to get back here sometime before Christmas. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NOV 26/13 11:00 PM

Mrs W did a good job cleaning the kitty box, kitchen floor, and doing the dishes. I decided to lay on the couch and take a nap. I was quite tired and needed a break.

Monday, November 25, 2013

NOV 25/13 10:04 PM

I watched tv most of the day. I broke the ceiling light in the kitchen tonight. It slid down my body and very tenderly hit the floor. It waited a few seconds then toppled over and making a heck of a mess. I'm off to watch some more tv.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

NOV 24/13 10:26 PM

I wasn't too energetic and decided to take today off from the market. As it usually goes you can't keep a bad weed out of the garden so I endd up there around 2:00 pm. On the way home Mrs W and myself stopped by Pizza Delight to pick up a pizza and some garlic fingers. I ate a small bit then went to lay down for awhile. Mrs W was going to the casino with Cookie for supper so they passed by til a later time. I'm off to visit some more internet.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

NOV 23/13 11:30 PM

I wasn't feeling too well at the market. I napped a lot and think I may have halucinated a couple of times. T went home early and had a sh*t, shower, but no shave like the old saying goes. I took a small nap then watched some tv. I felt a lot better about 9:00 pm. I'm off to watch some more tv.

Friday, November 22, 2013

NOV 22/13 11:51 PM

I passed the second part of my TB test. Later I napped on the couch and watched lots of tv. Mrs W patched op the big hole in my couch. It is some comfortable now. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

NOV 21/13 11:40 PM

I had a good doctor checkup. I'm still up two pounds but my bp is quite good as are some other vital statistics. Mrs W and myself went to the Superstore. She bought us each a sallad. I bought lots of bananas because I need more potassium. I still have some nachos left over from yesterday. They will be gone before tomorrow is over. I'm off to watch some tv and to get some much needed beauty sleep.

NOV 21/13 4:04 AM (FOR NOV 20/13)

I had to do another TB test. I will get the results back on Friday. Myself and Mrs W went to Mike's for dinner. I had a plate of chicken nachos and could only eat about a third o it. I guess I know what I'll be having again for breakfast. I'm off to get some beauty rest.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NOV 19/13 11:45 PM

I lied around most of thr day. I watched lots of tv and got in a bit of beauty rest. I'm off to watch some more tv before calling it a night.

Monday, November 18, 2013

NOV 18/13 10:19 PM

I lied around watching tv most of the day. Mrs W dropped by for a multiday visit. I,m off to watch some tv.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

NOV 17/13 11:58 PM

It was quiet at the market but there were a lot of new faces. Sales were slow but two people fed me. I took a couple of small naps. When I got home I watched some tv then played on the puter. I think I'll soon be off to get some much needed eauty rest, as I might have a busy day tomorrow.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

NOV 16/13 11:08 PM

I sold for $12.00 at the market.I wasn't feeling too well and ended up taking a couple of tiny naps. One person fed me. I felt a bit better but still far from pay. If I do good in sales tomorrow I might be able to buy a pop and abag of chips. I took a small nap when I got home and watched some tv. I'm off to watch some more tv.

Friday, November 15, 2013

NOV 15/13 11:32 PM

I had a good doctor appointment this morning. My medication is adjusted so I don't have to take that new pill anymore. I decided to celebrate my good fortune with a trip to the beverage store. Long Island iced tea and hot water is quite a good drink especially on a cold day. I was so warm and comfortable that I took a long power nap. I think I might put my bike away for the winter within the next couple of days. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

NOV 14/13 10:45 PM

It was cold out today. I went to the beverage store and bought some Long Island ice tea. It is some friggin good and it took the chill from my bones, too.

NOV 14/13 2:58 PM (FOR NOV 13/13)

The internet was acting up so I watched tv for most of the day. I almost went to the beer store but didn't have the energy. I almost froze my arse off trying to heat the place. I think I'll soon be getting some two sided tape and putting the plastic back on the windows.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NOV 12/13 11:56 PM

I spent most of the day watching tv. I played on the puter a small bit. I hope tomorrow is a nice day so I can get out for awhile. I'm off to check some email then to take a nap.

Monday, November 11, 2013

NOV 11/13 11:44 PM

I had a hard time breathing today. I didn't take the new pill but took an extra lasix pill. I peed out about three liters and feel a lot better now. Hopefully I'll pull through these medical issues I'm going through. The internet is acting up so I'm off to get some much needed beauty sleep.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

NOV 10/13 11:48 PM

Sales wee slow today. Two people fed me so it wasn't too bad of a day. I took a couple of small naps in my little corner at the market. I didn't feel very good and I think I'm starting to get old. When I got home I watched tv and tried to take a nap on the couch. I didn't have any luck. It seems lately I can sleep sitting in a chair but not lying on my couch. I'm off to try to get some much needed beauty rest.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

NOV 09/13 11:54 PM

All I sold today were DVDs. I hope I sell a lot more tomorrow. One person fed me at the market. I nodded off a few times but at least I was comfortable. When I got home I watched tv and played on the puter. I'm off to wrap myself in a blanket and watch some more tv.

Friday, November 08, 2013

NOV 08/13 10:15 PM

I had a productive day. I picked up some Sammy landmines fom the kitchen floor. I went to the beer store to get some beverages. I went to Sobey's to get some bananas, I was told I needed more potassium. I did a load of laundry. I went to Deluxe and bought some french fries. They were good. Later I relaxed and played on the internet. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

NOV 07/13 11:19 PM

I had a doctor appointment this morning. Things were looking good but I have to increase my water pills. On the way home I stopped by Giant Tiger for a shaver and the beverage store for some beer. I don't think the shaver will cut through the four or five weeks of facial fungas. The beer is happy history. I think I'm getting some more beer tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

NOV 06/13 11:02 PM

I went to the food bank this morning. I had to give some back as the bag was getting too heavy. I had a bad case of diarrhea and spent too much time sitting on the throne. I faught off the urge to stop by the beer store and still have a pocket full of money. I was using my small heater the last few days. It's 1500 watts. Tonight I decided to use my bigger heater. It is also 1500 watts but throws about three or four times the heat plus has a remote control and shut off timer. Hmmm, I wonder which one I'm going to keep plugged in. I'm off to get some much needed beauty sleep.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

NOV 05/13 11:25 PM

I had to change today's 10:00 am doctor appointment to Thursday Morning 10:00 pm. My foot was so sore I didn't venture through the door at the top of the staires. I watched tv and played on the puter most of the day. I was starting to go stir crazy about 2:00 pm. I hope I feel better tomorrow as tomorrow is Whopper Wednesday. I'm off to read some email then to watch some tv.

Monday, November 04, 2013

NOV 04/13 11:02 PM

I didn't get much done today. For the trip to the foodbank I almost made it to the door at the top of the stairs. I napped on the couch most of the day but managed to squeeze in some time on the puter. I'm off to watch some tv.

NOV 04/13 7:37 AM (FOR NOV 03/13)

It was a long day. The time changed and I set my clock in the wrong direction, gtting up around 4:00 am instead of 6:00 am. Even though I didn't make a profit I had a good day at the market. I made a couple of sales and two people fed me. I even took a couple of naps. When I got home I took a power nap, not even going near my puter.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

NOV 02/13 10:48 PM

It was quiet at the market again. A lot of people came in but I think a lot of them had their wallets welded shut. I made a couple of sales and one person fed me so it wasn't a bad day. When I got home I watches some tv then played on the puter. I'm off to watch some more tv.

Friday, November 01, 2013

NOV 01/13 11:28 PM

I didn't get much done today. I almost went to the food bank and beer store but it was raining. I almost did the laundry but I decided to take a nap. I played on the puter and watched some tv. I raided some of Cookie's leftover Hallowe'en candy and ate it in her front porch. So far it seems a perfect crime. My landlord gave me four large pieces of pizza. I could only eat two so I guess I'm having pizza for supper tomorrow night. I'm off to play on the puter then to get some beauty rest.