adopt your own virtual pet!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

JUN 30/11 11:34 PM

I seniorsat and took the dog for three walks. I went on a bus ezcursion and bought some beer. When I got home I got partially poopeyed and am happy as old poop.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JUN 29/11 11:14 PM

I seniorsat and took the dog for a walk. I was having trouble breathing and spent most of the evening lying on the couch. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

JUN 28/11 9:52 PM

I seniorsat and took the dog for two walks. I went on a couple of bus ezcursions and nodded off on one bus. In the evening I sipped on a beer. Later I did some work on my nephew's puter, removing some junk and shutting the autostart on a few. I also installed Zonealarm for him. It run's a bit faster now. I'm tired so I'm off for a nap.

Monday, June 27, 2011

JUN 27/11 11:12 PM

Today was a long, but good, day. I took the dog for three walks. I got a drive to the beer store and participated in their big sale. I only bought two 12 packs instead of ten like I wanted to. My check gets directly deposited tomorrow when the sale is over. Oh well, I'm poopeyed enough already. I'm off for a beer then to watch some tv.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

JUN 26/11 11:59 PM

It was quiet at the market again but I had a good day. Two people fed me and another gave me a case of beer. Later I took the dog for a walk then had a barbeque at my landlord's. I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

JUN 25/11 11:44 PM

It was quiet again at the market. Two people fed me and three people showed up to offer me drives either to or from the market. Not even the prime minister gets that many offers. In the evening I went on a two beer run. It started thundering and lightening and pouring rain. I got soaking wet so I decided to buy a third beer. I'm glad I did. It takes the chill from the old carcass. I'm off to watch some cartoons.
ATTENTION ATTENTION.....Only six months til Christmas. Smile and be happy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

JUN 24/11 11:06 PM

I took the dog for a couple of walks. I went to the soup kitchen where I dined on 2 plates of ham, potato, turnip, and salad. I also had 2 bowls of broccoli soup, 8 crackers, 2 rolls with butter, 2 glasses of juice, and a coffee. I went on 3 bus excursions and bought a couple of beer. Coincidently, I also drank a couple of beer. It has been a good day and I am tired. I'm off to take a leak, get a snack, surf the internet, and to watch some tv.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

JUN 23/11 11:53 PM

I seniorsat for awhile and took the dog for two walks. I went to the soup kitchen where I enjoyed 2 plates of beef, gravy, potatoes, turnip, carrots, pickles and salad. I also had 2 rolls with butter, 2 bowls of vegetable soup, 8 crackers, and a piece of pumpkin pie. I complimented this meal with a glass of juice and a coffee. I left very full and almost fell asleap waiting for the bus. I went on a couple of bus excursions, taking in the scenery of Moncton, Humphries, Sunny Brae, Riverview, Dieppe, out Salisbury Rd, and the Magnetic Hill area. If I recall correctly I was on 13 busses today. I'm tired and am off to bed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

JUN 22/11 10:40 PM

I took the dog for two walks then went on a couple of bus excursions. I went to the soup kitchen where I had half a plate of peas and salad. There was something that had a slight fishy flavour so I left it on the plate. I also had two bowls of vegetable soup, a roll with butter, eight crackers, a glass of juice, and a coffee. On one of my bus excursions I stopped at the beer store and Burger King. I had two Whoppers and a beer for supper and am enjoying the second beer now. On another excursion I visited the car show at Highfield Square. There were a lot of nice vehicles to be admired and coveted. Later I hopped on an express bus up Mountain Rd then went on the Magnetic Hill shuttle. It was some nice up on the mountain. All in all I really enjoyed my day. Cost of the day...$5.70 for two beer, $4.50 for 2 Whoppers, and 25 cents for a charitable donation.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

JUN 21/11 10:30 PM

I woke up around 5:30 am. I played on the puter then downloaded a nature call in the throne room. I seniorsat then took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I went to the soup kitchen where I had two plares of carrots, turnip, potato, chicken a la king, and salad. I also had a bowl of chicken noodle soup, two rolls with butter, 8 crackers, a glass of juice, and a coffee. I went on a couple of bus excursions and dropped by the beer store a couple of times. I'm off to watch some cartoons.

Monday, June 20, 2011

JUN 20/11 11:18 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on two bus excursions. I had dinner at the soup kitchen where I dined on two plates of carrots, turnip, rice, chicken a la king, and salad. I also had a bowl of chicken noodle soup, two rollls with butter, 13 crackers, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee, and 4 cookies. I'm off to watch some tv.

JUN 20/11 12:05 AM (FOR JUN 19/11)

It was a slow day at the market and I am far from being rich from sales. Two people fed me so it was an alright day. My landlord gave me a bunch of pizza when I got home. Later I played on the puter and forgot to post in my diary. I'm off to get some beauty rest.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

JUN 19/11 12:02 AM (FOR JUN 18/11)

I had a good day. Three people fed me at the market. I made a couple of sales and bought some stuff to resell. The stuff was everything from lamps to ornaments to sports collectables. Later I went to the beer store only to see none of my favourite beer on the shelf. I asked the girl at the checkout if they had any out back and she found some. I was so happy I bought one extra. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, June 17, 2011

JUN 17/11 11:57 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went to the soup kitchen. I had two bowls of corn chowder, 2 rolls with butter, eight crackers, a glass of juice, and a cup of coffee. I also went on a couple of bus excursions. I went to the beer store and couldn't buy any beer for myself because I mistook a pckage of artificial sweetener for a $5.00 bill. I guess a person shouldn't carry that stuff where he should be carrying money. Oh well, at least my landlord enjoys the beer he sent me for. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

JUN 16/11 11:08 PM

I seniorsat then took the dog for a couple of walks. I wend on a couple of bus trips and returned my high speed modem, saving myself $60.00 plus HST. I'm off for a nice cold glass of water then to watch some tv.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

JUN 15/11 11:57 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on a couple of bus excursions. I had a couple of brew and am mellowed down. I'm off to watch some tv.

JUN 15/11 1:09 AM (FOR JUN 14/11)

I seniorsat and took the dog for two walks. I went on a good bus excursion, riding on 11 busses. Later I was watching tv and nodded off on the couch.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

JUN 14/11 12:30 PM (FOR JUN 13/11)

I took the dog for two walks then went on a bus excursion. I polished off the rest of the Fine Old then nodded off watching the cartoon channel.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

JUN 12/11 11:53 PM

It was quiet at the market but I made a few sales. Four people fed me so it was a good day. My landlord loaned me a 1.5 liter bottle of Fine Old sherry. I'm starting to get a bit poopeyed. I am a happy camper.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

JUN 11/11 11:46 PM

It was slow at the market again but two people fed me. Later I took the dog for a walk then went on an excursion to the beer store for beverages and Walmart for a pizza. The outing set me back a whopping $11.55. When I got back I found out I missed a barbeque at my landlord's. I hate to miss a barbeque but I could stand to lose a couple of pounds. I'm off to drink the last beer, eat the last slice of pizza, and watch some tv.

Friday, June 10, 2011

JUN 10/11 11:00 PM

I took the dog for two walks and took a nap. Later I took a trip to the flea market then went on a bus excursion to the beer store.I purchased two beer. It was a good trip with nice weather and lots of fresh air. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

JUN 09/11 11:12 PM

I seniorsat in the morning then went to the soup kitchen. I dined on a bowl of potato soup with four crackers and a plate of turnip, potatoes, chicken, carrots, salad, and a roll with butter. I complimented this fine meal with a glass of juice and a coffee. I took the dog for three walks and her cousin for one walk. I also went on a couple of bus excursions around parts of the town. I'm tired and am off to get some beauty rest.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

JUN 09/11 11:25 PM

I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I went on a bus excursion to the beer store and Burger King. Today is Whopper Wednesday. BUUUUURRRRRP, Please excuse me. I took a nap then played on the puter. I'm off to watch some tv.

JUN 08/11 5:34 AM (FOR JUN 07/11)

I seniorsat in the morning then took the dog for two walks. I went to the beer store and purchased some fine beverages. I didn't get poopeyed but, due to being tired, nodded off and had a great nap.

Monday, June 06, 2011

JUN 06/11 11:34 PM

It was a long day. I woke uo about 3:39 am. I went to the hospital in the morning to get my electronics checked out. The batteries need to be replaced so I'm off to Saint John in about three weeks or a month's time. You'd think with the new batteries costing about $60,000.00 they'd put rechargables in or give me a plug in adapter. I nodded off at the hospital a couple of times and took a nap when I got home. After that I played on the puter. I'm off to watch some tv and nod off.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

JUN 05/11 11:23 PM

It was slow at the market. I only sold for a couple of dollars but three people fed me and another gave me a beer. It was a great day, after all. I forgot all about the beer and am going to drink it now. I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

JUN 04/11 11:24 PM

It was slow at the market. Three people fed me so it was a good day. Later I took the dog for a walk then went on a bus excursion. I went to the beer store for three beed then Walmart for a $2.50 pizza. I think I may have told too many people about the sale as there were only a couple of pizzas left. I got home and played on the puter. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, June 03, 2011

JUN 03/11 11:35 PM

I took the dog for two walks and played on the internet. I went on a bus excursion to the beer store and Walmart. The two beer and two twelve inch pizzas set me back a whopping $10.70 I can hardly get one pizza delivered for that price.

JUN 03/111 5:16 PM (FOR JUN 02/11)

I seniorsat and took the dog for two walks. Later I had a barbeque at my landlord's. I made trips to two different beer stores and got poopeyed.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

JUN 01/11 11:59 AM

I seniorsat, went to the food bank, took the dog for three walks, went to Burger King, and even went to the beer store. I took a couple of naps and played on the puter. It was (and still is) a good day.