adopt your own virtual pet!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

NOV 30/08 11:26 PM

Today was slow at the market. I nodded off a couple of times. I visited Mom this evening and she is coming along along really well. Cookie gave me a 12 inch pizza and my landlord gave me four tacos. Buuuurrp, please excuse me. The pizza will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm off to bed.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

NOV 29/08 9:46 PM

It was a slow day at the market. I sold 25 cents above the cost of my half of the table rent. I ate good and drank lots of coffee and tea during my 12 hour visit. I'm exhausted and am going to bed.

Friday, November 28, 2008

NOV 29/08 10:16 PM (FOR NOV 28/08)

I went out and got groceries then went to take Chicken Wings to the doctor. Nobody answered the door but Shaggy barked "Hello" many times. I was going to retire my old gym bag of about 18 years. I was cleaning it out and found $20.00. I think I'll keep it around a bit longer. I went to the flea market tonight to rearrange the tables a bit. I bought some beer on the way home. I'm tired but happy.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

NOV 27/08 9:45 PM

I was sick as heck all day. I managed to make it to the hospital to visit Mom. It was a nice night for pedalling. I still don't feel good so I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

NOV 26/08 6:42 PM

I got Chicken Wings off to shcool this morning. After that it was off to Riverview on a mission. I came home then took Dad's dog for a walk. I even sipped on a beer. I'm just about to start getting ready to go bowling. I think I heard a rumour somewhere the draft machine may need to be adjusted and might need somebody to test the product out. I will gladly volunteer my services if needed. I'm off to the shower.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NOV 25/08 9:30 PM

I got Chicken Wings off to school. I took my father's dog for a couple of walks. I had a couple of naps and played on the puter for most of the remainder of the day. I don't feel good and can feel a bad cold coming on. I think I either got too much fresh air in the last couple of days or drank too much beer last night. Maybe it was a combination of both. I'm off to watch some tv.

NOV 25/08 8:54 PM (FOR NOV 24/08)

I forgot about my 11:10 am doctor's appointment but got rescheduled for 1:00 pm. It was one my best appointments ever. I even got a flu shot. I pedalled to the beverage store and bought some beer. I took my father's dog for a couple of walks then got poopeyed.

Monday, November 24, 2008

NOV 24/08 3:47 PM (FOR NOV 23/08)

I pedalled to the market where I sold a couple of things. I bought some beer on the way home. Later I pedalled to the hospital to visit Mom. I was surprised she only had two visitors. I guess the storm we had slowed things down. At least I got a good seat. After I pedalled home I got poopeyed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

NOV 22/08 10:56 PM

It was a quiet day at the market. I walked through snow almost a foot deep to get there. On the way there I helped a motorist get his car unstuck. It wasn't too bad walking home as the roads were plowed. After I got home I took a nap then played on the puter. I'm off for another nap.

NOV 22/08 10:51 PM (FOR NOV 21/08)

I visited Mom in the hospital then got busy and forgot to post in my diary. I was even sober at the time.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

NOV 20/08 11:10 PM

I got Chicken Wings off to school this morning. I played on the puter most of the day. I had supper at my landlords then visited my mother in the evening. It was cold and slippery walking to and from the hospital but seeing the look in Mom's eyes when we all show up to visit her makes it all worth while. I'm tired and off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

NOV 19/08 7:49 PM

I didn't get a lot done today. Mrs W went back home. I played on the puter. Now I'm getting ready to go bowling. I hope the team does good tonight.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NOV 18/08 11:49 PM

It was a quiet day. I played on the puter most of the day. For supper I cooked up a big pot of spagetti. I visited my mother in the evening.

Monday, November 17, 2008

NOV 17/08 11:06 PM

Today was a productive day. I got Chicken Wings to school, went to the food bank, dropped by the bowling alley, visited my mother, and picked up a couple of pizzas for myself and Mrs W. I'm tired and am off to watch a movie.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

NOV 16/08 9:50 PM

Today was a total write-off at the market. I sold for $2.00 and bought for $7.00. Later myself and Mrs W went to supper at The Collonial Inn. After that we went to visit my mother. I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

NOV 15/08 8:20 PM

It was a slow day for sales at the market. Myself and Mrs W went to dinner at Ponderosa. Later we visited my mother. I am tired.

Friday, November 14, 2008

NOV 14/08 8:08 PM

I had a busy day. Mrs W is supposed to come for a visit either tonight or tomorrow so I did dishes and vacuumed. Later I went to the market and rearranged the table. It was a nice night for pedalling and I somehow managed to avoid the beverage store on the way home. Of course not having any money was a major factor in my decision. I'm off to clean the bathroom a bit.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

NOV 13/08 11:51 PM

Today has been a good day. I got Chicken Wings off to school and he didn't even have to go. Damn, I'm good! I took a couple of naps then went to visit Mom. She is a real trooper. I don't really like going to hospitals but I look forward to visiting her. Seeing other family members there is an added bonus to the emotional high. After visiting Mom I made a beer run for myself and my landlord. My sister in law dropped by later and we watched Family Guy together. I am a happy camper and I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nov 12/08 6:46 PM

I got Chicken Wings off to school first thing in the morning then decided to go for blood tests. Surprise surprise....The waiting room was jammed with people. After about a half hour my number got called. The lady took my blood and told me to get something to eat then come back in two hours for the rest of the test. Oh well, I figured, I'm up near Burgerland, Wahoooo. I looked at the list of stuff I was allowed to have and didn't see any burgers or not even pizza. For the test all I was allowed were things like toast, tea, sugar, etc. After fasting for about fourteen hours and pedalling up Mountain Rd those foods weren't going to cut it. Oh well, I bit the bullet and took one for the medical team. After running all over the hospital I finally found the cafeteria. All in all my fifteen minute blood test took about three hours. I managed to still get get to squeeze in a two hour nap before heading off to the laundrymat with a load of dirty clothes. Soon it will be time to leave to go bowling. I figure that if I wasn't bowling I'd probably be out keggling somewhere.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

NOV 11/08 10:41 PM

I survived a whole day without wearing my hat, unless you figure a bicycle helmet is a hat. It was cold out when I went to visit my mother and I kind of regretted not wearing gloves or mittons. I didn't get a lot accomplished today but I ate good and downloaded a few movies. I even did a few dishes between naps. I'm off to watch some tv.

NOV 11/08 12:47 AM (FOR NOV 10/08)

Monday has been a good day. I got out of the house for a few hours. I sipped on a couple of beer. I am tired but happy. I'm off to sleep through some tv.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

NOV 09/08 11:20 PM

It was quiet at the market today. I didn't even sell enough to buy 4 beer so I refrained from visiting the beverage store. I visited Mom at the hospital and she is coming along very well. She looks like she's up to something. I hope she isn't going to try to sneak out head for home. The Little Houdini has already managed to master the art of unlocking the brakes and safety belt on her wheelchair. I'm exhausted and off for some sleep.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

NOV 08/08 11:25 PM

I enjoyed my day at the market. I didn't make any money but got out of the house and had fun all day. In the evening I visited Mom in the hospital, and she is coming along excellent. I was so tired that I dozed off in a chair while my brother, sister, and sister in law took her on a long tour of the hospital. My hat goes off in a salute to all the first responders, nurses, doctors, friends, family, neighbours, and the list will go on and on. I really give my thanks to GOD and Jesus who are so great but still find time to hear my prayers. I really love my Mom. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, November 07, 2008

NOV 07/08 11:20 PM

I went to collective kitchen today. We made cookies, turkey pot pie, turkey a la king, and mauwi wowie chicken. I still don't know whether to eat or smoke the mauwi wowie chicken yet. After that I went to the flea market to relocate my and Janice's table. After much confusion we finally got relocated. I got two phone calls tonight saying Mom is doing very good so I am happy as poop. I'm off to get some sleep.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

NOV 06/08 10:37 PM

I visited my mother once this afternoon and once this evening. She is looking a lot better than yesterday. The highlight of my day was this afternoon when she was trying to talk to me. I couln't understand what she was mumbling. Fighting the tears I tried my best to understand her but I couldn't. Finally she had enough and yelled what she was trying to say in perfect speech. I sighed in relief as I realized she was in way better condition than I thought she was. Tonight she was sitting up and in very good spirits when five of us vere visiting her. After that my landlord took myself and his wife out for beer and chicken wings. It was a very good day.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

NOV 05/08 7:20 PM

Today has been a lot less stressful than yesterday. Mom's looking a lot better even though she was sleeping when I dropped by the hospital this afternoon. I got out pedalling the bike this morning and enjoyed the fresh air. I went to mail an envelope and the post office wanted $9.70 to mail it. I pedalled home and made it about 1/4 inch thinner. After that it only cost $1.30 to mail it. I don't mind pedalling a bike for a few extra minutes to save $8.40. I'm just getting ready to go bowling. I hope I can still bowl as I'm depressed and riding on an emotional roller coaster.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

NOV 04/08 8:28 PM

Today has been a stressful day. I awoke to the sounds of sirens. My mom, who lives next door, took a stroke and was brought to the hospital. What an awful feeling seeing her hauled off on a stretcher. I walked to the hospital realizing how fast I had gotten dressed. I wasn't wearing socks, underwear, or my hat. Luckily it was a nice warm day. It was nice seeing my brothers and sisters gathered together in one place but I could think of happier reasons for doing so. Seeing them all made me thankful for their good health. I sat in a big comfortable Lazyboy chair in one of the small gathering rooms and took a small nap. I finally took my 10:00 AM pills around 8:00 PM after taking a long nap on the couch. Why is it a person somehow thinks his parents are magically invincible and will be around forever? I hear the beer store calling but I know better than to go there today. I'm off to get some supper instead.

NOV 04/08 12:21 AM (FOR NOV 03/08)

I layed around most of the day. In the evening I went on a mission to Riverview. I sipped on a couple of beer. Life is good if you allow it to be. I'm off to watch some tv. Just for the record I am not drunk.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

NOV 02/08 10:50 PM

It was quiet again at the market today. I stopped by the beverage store on the way home and bought four beer. I played on the puter tonight for a while and I'm off for a nap.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

NOV 01/08 11:20 PM

It was slow at the market today. I mostly sat in my chair as almost every bone in my body ached. I guess I overdid it on the pedalling and cheap cooking wine sipping yesterday. After I got home from the market I dosed off on the couch for a few hours. I was exhausted. I'm off to watch some tv.

NOV 01/08 9:45 PM (FOR OCT 31/08)

I had a busy day. I went to the bowling alley, drugstore, dollar store, bank, beer store and the flea market. I got over tired sipped on too much brew. I slept well.