adopt your own virtual pet!

Friday, February 29, 2008

FEB 29/08 9:28 PM

I spent most of today running all over the place. The bus trips were ligning up good with my stops and I actually didn't miss any. It was cold waiting on Main Street this morning but was'nt too bad going up Mountain Rd this afternoon. Between the food bank and the food purchasing club I have enough to eat for another week and a half or two. Monday will be a good day to start hauling the empties to the bottle exchange in an attempt to generate some cash to start paying some bills.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

FEB 28/08 11:50 PM

Me and the Spooks went to Bathurst today. Me and Spook drank too much. Later at night I really sucked at bowling. I'm off to bed as I'm tired as heck.

FEB 28/08 12:24 AM (FOR FEB 27/08)

I paid a few bills. I went to the beer store. I cooked some real good food. I went to the new beer store with Spook and Spookette. Later we went to the Salisbury beer store but it was closed. After that we called it a night.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

FEB 27/08 10:32 PM

It was a good day. I paid off the nice jewellery lady I owed money to. Somebody drove me to the new beer store. I bought 4 Faxe beer and loaned him $10.00.

FEB 27/08 10:32 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

FEB 26/08 9:11 PM

I was out a couple of times today. I made it to the new Sobey's and the new beer store. Holy ole frig, what a long hike from Highfield Square to the new stores. I think I encountered a professional bum today. He could have been in my face but he was short and getting in my belly button instead. He wanted $20.00 from me. As I was on foot I told him if I had $20.00 I wouldn't be walking. The pesky lil frigger kept following me. Finally he went back to Panhandler Park to bug somebody else.

Monday, February 25, 2008

FEB 25/08 10:56 PM

Today I had a rough day. I missed 3 busses trying to get to the food bank and another trying to get back home. I decided to go for blood tests but discovered I left the paper home. I did blood tests and planned a trip to Sobey's and the beer store but got on the wrong bus and ended up home instead. Later I decided to go to the new Sobey's and new beer store but missed the bus by about 5 seconds. It was two minutes early. I hopped on another bus and went to the beer store on Mountain Road. I bought four Faxe's but was too late to make last call at Deluxe on St George St. As a last attempt at my sanity I'm cooking some vermacelli. It's some frigging good.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

FEB 24/08 9:46 PM

Well, it was another day of getting almost nothing done. The highlight of my day was when my Rapidshare membership ran out and I lost 30 simutanious downloads. I thought it ran out tomorrow so I was trying to stock up on my downloads. Grrrrrr. I guess I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

FEB 23/08 10:48 PM

I didn't do too much today. I mostly laid around the house and played on the puter. Tonight my landlord cooked me steak and french fries. It was some frigging good. Later on I posted a few Kijiji ads.

Friday, February 22, 2008

FEB 22/08 10:28 PM

Not much happened today. I stayed up sipping to around 3:AM this morning sipping so I wasn't too lively today. I inherited four plastic containers of spagetti from my landlady. Buuuurp. Please excuse me but the spagetti is pretty good.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

FEB 21/08 5:01 PM

I went to see the dietitian this morning and she told me to cut back on my calories so I only bought two beer this afternoon. I feal a good night of bowling up. Er ah, I mean a good night of coffee sipping and clearing dust from the gutter with bowling balls. I have to go. I'm invited to dinner at the landlord's.

FEB 21/08 12:27 AM (FOR FEB 20/08)

Wahooo, I lots of sweet and sour meat balls, shepards pie, and turkey a la king to keep me going for about a week. Today's trip to the collective kitchen was $4.95 well invested. To make life even better I have half a forty ouncer of vodka tucked away for the weekend. I'm off to bed as I have a mission to go on first thing in the morning.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

FEB 19/08 9:00 PM

Today myself and The Spooks went to the Chris Rock. The couple of drafts I had were pretty tasty. I put a few ads on Kijiji tonight and got 4 replies so far. I hope they buy something as I need to generate some cash flow. I'm going to try again tomorrow to get my blood tests done. I almost got them done today but left the doctor's paper home.

Monday, February 18, 2008

FEB 18/08 10:15 PM

I was a bit under the weather to begin with today but after walking to, and waiting for the bus in the pouring rain, I think I have a cold on top of this morning's bout with edema. The beer store on St George Street is closed. That's what happens when I go on the wagon. The Deluxe Cheeseburger Platter I had for supper was pretty good even without any beer. I think I'm off to the bathroom to do some serious downloading.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

FEB 17/08 10:40 PM

I didn't get anything done today except for getting rid of the last of the beer from last night and playing on the puter. Tomorrow will be more of a productive day.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

FEB 16/08 7:10 PM

I went on a mission today. I started off going to the Air Force Veteran's Club but it was so frigging cold out that I went to the bank instead. Then I went to the dollar store for groceries for me and birdseed for Bud. After that it was off to the brew store. It was too cold to buy beer so I bought some Sambuca instead. That stuff soon took the chill out of my blood after 8 or 10 shooters. I am mellowed down and it's not even 11:00 PM yet. I'd better slow down a bit.

Friday, February 15, 2008

FEB 15/08 9:12 PM

Myself, Spook, and Spookette went to Hillsborough today. I purchased and partook in the sipping of a few beverages. I just finished off a 235 gram bag of Mexican Chili chips. Holy ol'e f*ck they are warm. I'm on my last beer but I'm happy as old poop at the moment.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

FEB 14/08 6:27 PM

Today has been a quiet day. Tonight is bowling night again and I'm full of p155 and vinegar. I feal a good night coming. Bring on the coffee and the losing team.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

FEB 13/08 10:50 PM

I got lots of fresh air today and was out on different missions almost all day. I passed by two different beer stores and didn't stop at either. My system is a bit thirsty for a brew but the ice water is going down some good. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

FEB 12/08 9:13 PM

I am not very lively today as a result of yesterday's and the day before's overindulgince of beverages. I layed on the couch most of the day. I think I'm going to on the wagon for a week or so. Fat Joe look like he was partly looped when he tripped over the bag of empties in the front porch.

FEB 12/08 12:18 PM (FOR FEB 11/08)

It was another great day of overbeveration.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

FEB 10/08 11:06 PM

Tonight was an adventure. Later me and spook went on a trip to Salisbury. It was a great trip. Guess what. *** *** aint gay. Whew.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

FEB 09/08 9:11 PM

I played on the puter and relaxed all day. Tonight myself, *** ***, and his wife went to the beer store. I'm beginning to think *** *** is gay as he appears to want to play with my package when we are in the car lately. I hope I'm wrong as I've known him for for over ten years. Hmmm, at least I think I knew him. Holy geez, I don't even play with my own package. Maybe *** *** is gay. Nah, I don't really think so.

Friday, February 08, 2008

FEB 08/08 10:38 PM

I made a pilgrimage up Mountain Rd tonight in an attempt to try to get my money's worth from my bus pass. I stopped by Macdonald's and the good beverage store. I only bought 2 beer for myself as an experiment in weight loss. The nine blocks of walking should ballance out part of the two beer I just drank. I'm off to watch tv and relax on the couch.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

FEB 07/08 6:32 PM

I'm not really too lively today. I think still haven't gotten over Monday and Tuesday yet. Maybe our bowling team does good tonight after the trouncing we took last week. I'm off to pack something to try to sell at the bowling alley.

FEB 07/08 12:02 PM (FOR FEB 06/08)

I wasn't very lively all day. I went to bed early.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

FEB 06/08 7:43 PM (FOR FEB 05/08)

I went to Spook and Mrs. Spook's for a while. I inhaled lots of beer.

Monday, February 04, 2008

FEB 04/08 11:16 PM

Today was a frigged up day. I made my pilgrimage to Riverview. Nothing got done as planned. Luckily my pal, Todd fed me 10 beer. I somehow got my bus schedule mixed up and ran out of Riverview busses. My nephew, Tex, set me up with his grandmother for a ride home. Geez, I love that guy.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

FEB 03/08 8:32 PM

I didn't do too much today. I played on the puter all day and drank water. I'm cooking up some french fries with spagetti sause and cheese on them. Yummy yummy for my tummy. I'll have to get out tomorrow for some fresh air. I might go to Sobey's or the beverage store. I think I'd better drop by the AFV Club as my membership is due. I think I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

FEB 02/08 10:29 PM

I layed around the house most of today. Tonight I perked up a bit and sipped on two beer and a bottle of wine. I'm happy as poop right now. I might sip on some Fireball soon.

Friday, February 01, 2008

FEB 01/08 11:39 PM

Today was a gread day to relax all day. I cooked up some potatoes, hamburg, and onions. I was at two different brew stores but I really don't care. It was a great day to be sipping. Wahoooo...It still is.