adopt your own virtual pet!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

MAR 31/11 11:19 PM

I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I pedalled to the soup kitchen where I enjoyed two plates of scallopped potatos, ham, turnips, carrots, and salad along with two bowls of beef vegetable soup, nine crackers, and two rolls with butter. In the afternoon I sat on th front steps for awhile before taking a nap. Later I played on the internet. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MAR 30/11 11:49 PM

It was a long day. I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. My nephew and I went to the soup kitchen. I had two plates of potato and chicken with gravy, turnip, salad, coleslaw and pickles. I also had two bowls of chicken and vegetable soup with eight crackers and two rolls with butter. I also enjoyed a double double coffee (in my judgement just as good as Tim's coffee), and a glass of ice tea. I was tempted to grab a couple loaves of bread on the way out but declined. From there my nephew and I went to the motor vehicle branch where he passed his beginner's permit. After that it was on the bus for me to pick up my Grocery Of The Month order at the Moncton Headstart. On the way home I stopped at the beer store. Moving on to tonight's bowling........we got our arses kicked. It was none of my team's fault (usually it's mine) just that the other team bowled superbly (or is it actually suburbly, where we bowled in Riverview?). I'm off to enjoy my last beer and finish watching the movie I started watching last night.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MAR 29/11 11:23 PM

Today the dogs got haircuts so I only got out for one walk. The haircuts plus pick up and return cost $87.00 which is more than I spent on haircuts in the past eleven years. Still they both look better and seam to really like it. I almost went to the beer store but it was a bit too chilly so I napped on the couch instead. Luckilly I had a dream a girl from my bowling league gave me a couple of brew. It may have only been a dream, but it was an incentive to nap longer. I started waching a couple of movies but dozed off through them. I'm off to watch, or sleep through, another movie.

Monday, March 28, 2011

MAR 28/11 11:40 PM

I napped on the couch for a lot of the day. I still took the dog for three walks and her cousin for two walks. I cleaned out my fridge a bit, eating a lot of the old food that was in there. The pre Christmas oranges were quite good. The prune wine I put on a couple of weeks ago is brewing quite good. If it turns out good I may "make it on a regular" basis. I'm off to check some email then watch some tv.

MAR 28/11 12:31 AM (FOR MAR 27/11)

I had a good day at the market. Two people fed me and I made a few sales. I didn't make any money but I had fun trying. I took the dog for a walk. She was happy as somebody took her for four walks already. I helped my landlord hook up his computer and got his Wii game working. After that I was treated to a couple of cold refreshing beverages. I'm off to get some much needed beauty rest.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

MAR 26/11 10:07 PM

It was a bit busy at the market. I made a few sales and one person fed me. Later I bought some much appreciated beer. I also invested in four six packs of flavoured water. They were on sale for 99 cents plus deposit at SDM. The total cost of 24 500 ml bottles was $6.36, almost as cheap as American beer, hee hee. Hey, it tastes better, too, just kidding. I drank the beer while surfing the internet. It was beer well spent. I'm off to play some mp3's.

MAR 26/11 1:48 AM (FOR MAR 25/11)

I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I took a couple of naps and watched some tv. I played on the internet and completely forgot about posting in my diary. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

MAR 24/11 11:54 PM

I seniorsat for a while this morning then took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I took a couple of naps and played on the puter. I watched a couple of movies and took another nap. Such is the life of a rich sofisticated playboy. I'm off to read some e-mail then get some beauty rest.

MAR 24/11 1:24 AM (FOR MAR 23/11)

I took the dog for two walks. I spent most of the day frigging around trying to reinstall the antivirus I uninstalled a couple of days ago. I had no luck. I keep getting sent to the latest pay version. I even tried to do a couple of system restores but neither of the two restore points work. I fear this puter will soon be sailing out the window. My foot has been sore all day. The doctor gave me a prescription for it. My drive stopped at the pharmacy so I could get the pills but some stupid ass, and I'm not pointing any fingers, left the paper home. My bowling team got our arses kicked. At least we had the other team scared most of the night.......Scared they were going to kill us. I'm cranky as heck and I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MAR 22/11 11:35 PM

I seniorsat this morning. The regular caretaker didn't show up so I ended up staying about four hours later. As a result I missed my trip to the soup kitchen. I still got to take the dog for one walk. My foot is still hurting and I vapped on the couch earlier in the evening. I'm off to put out the garbage then either take another nap or watch tv, possibly both.

Monday, March 21, 2011

MAR 21/11 11:44 PM

I thought today was the first day of spring and, feeling like a spring turkey, almost pole vaulted out of bed. I guess somehow it was yesterday. My foot was sore as heck today and I had a hard time taking the dog and her cousin for a walk. I spent most of the day lying on the couch. I took a couple of magic pills and it feels a bit better. I'm off to surf some internet.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

MAR 20/11 11:00 PM

It was quiet at the market and one person fed me. My antivirus was driving me bonkers lately. It wanted to auto update every time I turned around. It usually took a long time to update and really slow my puter down. Tonight I decided to take it off and install another one. What a job it was to remove the old one. I was cursing and swearing quite proficiently long before the job was finished. I'm off to get a snack then watch some tv.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

MAR 19/11 11:29 PM

There were a lot of new faces at the market. I sold a few low priced items but had fun. One person fed me so it was a good day. When I got home I took a nap on the couch. Later I took the dog and her cousin for a walk. It looked like they were having a log cabin making contest. As I didn't have a pooper scooper bag, and neither dof had building permits, I snuck home rather quickly trying to keep a low profile. I played on the puter for awhile and am now off to watch some tv.

Friday, March 18, 2011

MAR 18/11 11:40 PM

I went to the foodbank and took the dog for a walk. I played on the puter and napped on the couch. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

MAR 17/11 11:11 PM

I took the dog for three walks and her cousin for one walk. I pedalled to the soup kitchen where I had two plates of chicken a la king, rice, turnip, and salad. I also had a glass of juice, a coffee, two bowls of vegetable beef soup, two rolls, and eleven crackers. BUUUURRRRP, Please excuse me. It was quite filling. Later I pedalled to the beer store and purchased some beer. Still later I went to the beer store for my brother. He gave me a couple for going. It was a long haul walking to the busses, and waiting for them seamed to take almost last forever. Eventually I made it back home and enjoyed some refreshing barley beverages. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MAR 16/11 11:52 PM

I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I did lots of dishes and took a couple of naps on the couch. Tonight My team got our arses kicked at bowling. I'm off to watch some tv.

MAR 16/11 12:00 AM (FOR MAR 15/11)

I seniorsat early this morning then I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. After that I took a nap on the couch. I wasn't very lively today possibly due to last night's beer and pizza consumption. I'm off to watch some tv.

Monday, March 14, 2011

MAR 14/11 11:40 PM

Hopefully I'm back on schedule with my diary. I can't believe I spent the whole weekend alcohol and chemical free and still screwed up the last three diary entries. Ok, I'm back on schedule. I went to two different beer stores today. I went to Walmart and bought three $3.00 pizzas. I took the dog and her cousin for a walk. I took myself for a bigger walk. I'm off to have another beer and watch some tv.

MAR 14/11 11:38 PM (FOR MAR 13/11)

Somehow I fucked up again.
Oops, I did not say that.
There were a lot of new faces at the market. I sold a few articles and one person fed me. Later I took a nap on the couch before watching some tv. I'm off to surf the internet then to watch some more tv.

MAR 14/11 11:32 PM (FOR MAR 13/11)

There were a lot of new faces at the market. I sold a few articles and one person fed me. Later I took a nap on the ouch before atching some tv. I'm off to surf the internet then to watch some more tv.

MAR 14/11 11:28 PM (FOR MAR 12/11)

I somehow posted in a different blog again.
It was quiet again at the market. One person fed me so it was still a good day. Later I took a nap on the couch before taking the dog and her cousin for a walk. It was wet and slippery so we didn't go too far. After that I played on the puter for awhile. I'm off to watch some tv.

MAR 14/11 11:24 PM (FOR MAR 11/11)

I somehow posted this in the wrong blog.
I took the dog for three walks and her cousin for one walk. I went to cooking class where we made muffins, spagetti sause, and turkey chowder. Later I played on the puter and took a couple of naps. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, March 11, 2011

MAR 11/11 12:48 AM (FOR MAR 10/11)

It was nice out so I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I seniorsat for awhile and took a nap on the couch. It was chilly in my place in the evening so I wrapped myself in a blanket and took a long snooze on the couch. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

MAR 09/11 11:34 PM

I took the dog for two walks. I took a couple of naps then went bowling. I sucked quite badly but the rest of the team carried me through taking four points. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

MAR 08/11 9:15 PM

Today was a good day. I seniorsat, took the dog for two walks, took her cousin for a walk, fixed Gary's internet, and went to the beer store. I'm off to surf the internet then get some sleep early.

Monday, March 07, 2011

MAR 07/11 11:45 PM

I took the dog for three walks and her cousin for two walks today. It was raining out so they were short walks. I almost went arse over tea kettle in the driveway a few times so I started climbing over the fence to get back home. Waist deep snow is way better than an arse full of water. I almost went to the beer store but it was too slippery for walking and there were big puddles everywhere so I napped on the couch a lot of the day. I almost feal like I eliminated some middleman by not getting the beer. I'm off to watch some tv.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

MAR 06/11 11:39 PM

It was quiet at the market. Three people fed me so it was a good day. When I got home one of my neighbours called to tell me something electrical fell off the house. I took a look and saw the main power lines and metal pipe were torn off the side of the house. We had about fifty large icycles hanging from the roof and when the last one fell it took everything with it. As it was raining I decided to call the power company. It wasn't as serious as it could have been but will cost a lot to put everything back up again. Later I took the dog and her cousin for a walk. It was wet and slippery out. I almost went arse over tea kettle in the riveway. We were without power for about six hours. I'm sure glad it wasn't about thirty five below out or I would have frozen my arse off. The power just came back on about fifteen minutes ago and it is some welcome site. Buddy is happy to get his little heater on again and was chirping away. I'm off to surf the internet then make myself a late supper.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

MAR 05/11 10:39 PM

It was quiet at the market again. One person fed me and I almost nodded off a couple of times. When I got home I played on the puter then took a nap. I'm off for another nap.

Friday, March 04, 2011

MAR 04/11 10:44 PM

Today was a good day. I took the dog for three walks and her cousin for two walks. I went to the soup kitchen and enjoyed a bowl of chicken vegetable soup with seven crackers and two plates of beef, turnips, potatoes, salad, coleslaw, and pickles. I also enjoyed 3 lemon tarts. After that I went to the beer store to buy some refreshing beverages then to McDonald's where I bought three McDoubles. I ate two and gave my father one. Later I played on the puter then took a nap. In the evening I borrowed my sister's bus pass, and six dollars, then headed to the beer store again. The beer was quite good. I'm on the last beer so I'm signing off. Goodbye.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

MAR 03/11 11:03 PM

I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. Later I ent on a combination bank/beer/Burger King run, but it was so cold out I only made it as far as the bank before returning home. Right now I'm eating an imaginary Whopper and sipping on an imaginary beer. I might as well as go all the way and imagine I'm at the Playboy Mansion doing it. I'm off to watch some tv with some real beer and Burger King commercials.

MAR 03/11 12:18 AM (FOR MAR 03/11)

I took the dog for two walks and her cousin for one walk. I went on a mission to Riverview. The fresh air did me wonders. I bowled crappy tonight and the other team took eight points from us. I'm off to get some beauty sleap.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

MAR 01/11 11:25 PM

I took the dog for three walks and took her cousin for one walk. I seniorsat for a while and later took a nap on the couch. I also played on the puter. I'm off to put out the garbage and then watch some tv before getting some beauty rest.