adopt your own virtual pet!

Friday, June 30, 2006

JUN 30/06 8:32 AM.

It's amother nice day in metro Moncton. I think I'll do the dishes today, go for a nap, play on the puter, go for a walk, then take another nap, and play on the internet some more. Whew, what a work load that's going to be. I lost in crib last night to Fat Joe. Shortly after midnight he realized his ratings weren't going up so we started playing over again. I won the first game and then his puter started acting up. That means the Wuddle Cup is mine all mine. Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Good Buy (on juice at Sobey's). The cup is mine. The cup is mine. The cup is mine. Wahooooooooo.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

JUN 29/06 12:51 PM

It's another sunny day in metro Moncton. I'm sitting here eating some cheese and crackers with a carrot for dinner. I drank some of my brother's home brew last night and it had a kick to it. In fact it's still kicking my ass now. Fat Joe really put the boots to me last night at playing crib. He has had the coveted Wuddle Cup for 2 nights now and I want it back. I think I'm going for a nap.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

JUN 28/06 6:11 AM

It looks like another nice day metro Moncton. That's ok with me as I have an appointment downtown that I plan to attend to at 10 am. I sure hope I don't fall back off to sleep. Fat Joe kicked my ass again in crib last night. It seams like it's getting to be a habit with that li'l bugger. The Wuddle Cup will be mine again very shortly. I just had a royal thought (translation=I think I'll go sit on the thrown for a while). I'm off to go do some serious downloading.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

JUN 27/06 8:59 AM

It is a great day in sunny metro Moncton. Buddy Bird is sitting in his puter chair just chirping away. He usually looks at the puter monitor but he is very amazed and distracted by the newly opend window in the other bedroom. I got my ass kicked at crib by Fat Joe last night. The coveted Wuddle Cup is no longer on my trophie shelf. I let him win every once in a while whenever I think the cup needs to be dusted off or polished. Shhhhh, don't tell him that. I have go find some breakfast.

Monday, June 26, 2006

JUN 26/06 7:33 AM

Greetings from my office. It looks like a rainy day is on the way. Today I feal happy. I lost a pound since yesterday and am on my way to doing primetime infomercials. Ok ok, so I fibbed about the infomercials. Using the bathroom, infomercials, close enough, need I say more? I had fun the last couple of days posting messages on Antigay as I am I posted many messags sticking up for gay people while it seamed like the religious community was really putting them down. I hope I didn't tick off GOD by defending the underdog this time. An underdog is an underdog regardless of who they are. I have to find breakfast before I starve to death.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

JUN 25TH 7:48 AM

MERRY (HALFWAY TO) CHRISTMAS. Ho ho ho. It's a dark looking day in metro Moncton and I think my almost week long depression is finally over. A real nice lady gave some good advice last night about what I should do about it. As a result I won't be on the puter very much today but out getting fresh air and breaking away from this internet addiction of mine after I update a few places on the web. I'd better get moving. There is a whole world out there and I hope to enjoy a small bit of it today.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

JUN 24/06 7:39 AM

It's another good looking day in metro Moncton. I feal way better than I did yesterday. I'm a bit depressed this morning as a result of Thursday night's sipping binge. I said hi to a really nice lady I know on Yahoo 2 nights in a row and she is either ticked at me or just didn't notice me. I can be a real doofass at times and I hope she isn't mad at me. Oh well I will survive. I might drag my lazy ass away from this puter later and go for a long bike pedal. I just weighed in at 245 pounds. That means I'm up a pound from yesterday but still 4 pounds better than the goal of 249 I set for tomorrow. Well I'm off to get some breakfast.

Friday, June 23, 2006

JUN 23/06 2:32 PM

It looks like a great day in metro Moncton. I'm a little bit under the weather today as a major sipping experience last night. I'm not too lively and think I might have to take a nap.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

JUN 22/06 8:23 AM

It looks like it's going to be another hot sunny day in metro Moncton. I just woke up drenched in sweat. According to the scale I lost 5 pounds since yesterday. Maybe I broke it when I stepped on it yesterday. I think I'll do the dishes later and pedal around town collecting and dropping off important papers for the people downtown. Help, I've fallen into this chair and I can't get up. I gotta go get breakfast then start pedalling. Will somebody be so kind as to get me a crowbar?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

JUN 21/06 2:34 PM

It's a nice day in metro Moncton. I pedalled to cooking class for 9:00 AM this morning and it was a bit chilly. I pedalled home about noon and it sure was fetting warm.I'm down two pounds since last Sunday and only have 1 more to go to achieve my goal of losing three pounds.I'm off for a nap then I'll do the dishes.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

JUN 20/06 10:09 AM

It looks like another nice day in metro Moncton. I inhaled a few brew last night and am still floating around a bit. My new diet is coming along good, so good I feal like king for a day when I'm sitting on the thrown. I've been home since Sunday afternoon and guess what? I don't have any dirty dishes yet. Maybe I should stop eating the road kill off the road. Hee hee, I'm just kidding about the road kill. I'm off to go find some breakfast.

Monday, June 19, 2006

JUN 19/06 7:42 AM

It looks like another great day in metro Moncton. I've been up for about half an hour and was just making the rounds. If it doesn't rain later I might have to go for a bike pedal down to Sobey's for some nutritious vegetables. Heck, I might even pedal up to Arnold's for a couple loaves of bread. Lucky me, I have stuff that needs to be done all over town so I can pedal in any direction I want and still accomplish something. See how good I am for for planning things out. That is what I can call the LBE method (Lazy But Efficient). I think I'm going to make some really good low calorie oatmeal for breakfast

Sunday, June 18, 2006

JUN 18/06 5:11 AM

It's very dark up here in scenic Taterland. It might be something to do with the fact it's only 5:11 am. I survived the company picnic/barbeque yesterday and another company barbeque last night. At the picnic I played bingo with a a couple of the bingo ladies.I consumed many popsicles and juice boxes. After eating some barbequed chicken with all the fixins and a couple cups of coffee I was full. Last night at the company barbeque I had a great time. With my steak dinner I got the biggest baked potato I've ever eaten. It was huge. It was a four butter packet job and then some. I had donated a birdhouse/feeder as a door prize and got to hear my name getting a thank you over the p.a. system. A minute later I heard my name again and had won first choice at any prize on the table. I chose the patio fireplace. I carried it back between the tables to my seat. It was some friggin heavy. Had I thought of it I would have picked the bicycle and pedalled back to my seat. I no sooner gave it to Mrs W. then she won a prize and chose a nifty cooler. Out of the five people at our table four of us won prizes. I jokingly told a few people I was going to sell our lucky table on eBay. I chatted with the official designated driver and asked him if he liked Tim Horton coffee. He asked why so I told him there are 42 Tim Hortons in Moncton. I don't think he wanted to drive that far. It was nice out on the patio with it's scenic view of the surrounding area. Later there was a band playing called Escape and they had a real tight sound. I got the biggest kick when the guitar player jumped out onto the dance floor and danced around with two girls without missing a beat. We left shortly before midnight because I had to get up early to catch the early bus to come home.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

JUN 17/06 6:00 AM

It looks like another nice day up in scenic Taterland. I refuse to get cranky at the internet today. Last night I walked around the block (Juniper Road, Main Street, Curtis Road, and Rodgers Street) and it done pooped me right out. Wowsers, that Curtis Street hill gets bigger and steeper all the time. That little bastard of a squirrel knocked down one of my birdhouse/feeders yesterday. When it hit the ground he ate all the bird seeds out of it. That does it, he's off my peanut butter list. If I die I'll leave my peanut butter to the cats or Uncle Jim. I'm hungry but I'm on a fast (in my case, slow) and am not eating til this afternoon when I get to barbeque #1 then I'm not eating til tonight when I go to barbeque #2. After that I start my new diet. Oh joy, oh joy. I'm going to go and pretent to get breakfast.

Friday, June 16, 2006

JUN 16/06 6:18 AM

It's another sunny day in scenic Taterland and I just got back from taking a pee in behind the house. There's just something about peeing in the great outdoors, with the trees, fresh air, and birds chirping, that makes it a great experience. The world is my urinal. Then there's the bad news. So far this morning I've burnt my finger wrestling a half slice loaf end out ou the toaster and put my foot in a strategically placed water dish. Those cats love to play pranks with me. I am not going to let any puters get me going today. I had a minor temper flare up around one AM this morning when this puter lost it's internet then then my laptop started acting up. I truly was in computer hell. I thought today was Thursdsy until Mrs W pointed out that it was Friday. How time flies when I'm having fun. Tomorrow is Saturday, the day of the company picknic (bar be que) and tomorrow night the ICS part of the companie's barbeque. My diet will surely be all blown to heck. Sorry, doc. Soon Mrs. W will be going to the gym and I might go for a walk. I'm off to to see what's going on before the internet realises I'm awake. Maybe I'll get lucky and get to check some e-mail, too.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

JUN 15/06 5:25 AM

It looks like another nice day up here in scenic Taterland. I just got back from a small hike outside and there is a slight chill in the air. I'm up a bit early today for two reasons. The first is because I want to get this entry done before the internet frigs up here again. The repair guys tried a new antenna yesterday without success. The second reason is I sure slept good last night. Around eight PM I cut Mrs Wuddle's grass and did all the dishes just before midnight. I think later I'm going to load up the mp3 player and go for a long walk. Either that or I'll set my arse in front of the puter all day. I'm going to go get breakfast.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

JUN 14/0612:32 PM

Here it is, another sunny day in scenic Taterland. It only took me four hours to make this diary entry. I am in puter hell. This wireless internet is driving me bonkers. Imagion my frustration at typing away on Yahoo and having my messages arrive about two minutes later or not at all. I can't take it when I wait and wait for a webpage to download only to have internet explorer time out before the page gets fully loaded. Hopefully within another hour, the good repair guys should be back to install a different antenna. I think I'll go find some dinner.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

JUN 13/06 5:18 AM

It's a dark day up here in Taterland. It might have something to do with the fact that the sun hasn't come up yet plus I'm sitting here typing in the dark. I decided to get up early today to make my rounds in case I have a bad internet day. Last night the internet died at midnight just as Mrs. Wuddle was getting home from work and I lost the post I was putting on I hear the sound of a mighty subwoofer thumping way off in the background and I'm curious to see what and where it is. I first noticed it around four a.m. Oops, it just stopped. Now that the neighbourhood is awake the person is probably going to bed. I guess I will never know the story on it now. I'm going to go find some breakfast.

Monday, June 12, 2006

JUN 12/06 9:53 AM

It's raining up here in scenic Taterland and the cats are quiet. I think I might get out the lazer pointer and let them get a red dot hockey game going. Mrs. Wuddle has joined a gym and has gone to Woodstock to workout. I'm quite impressed as I didn't even hear her leave and assumed she was still sleeping. Wahooo, now I'm the boss of the house. Well, at least for another half hour if the cats will let me. I think I'll go celebrate with some peanut butter. I AM THE HEAD HONCHO AROUND HERE. I MIGHT BUY A CASE OF BEER. See, I can type in capital letters and get away with it. I am the boss.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

JUN 11/06 7:16 AM

Oh oh. I just realized I'm not a perfect person despite what millions of people probably think. I hit the save draft button instead of the publish button yesterday morning by mistake. As a result my diary entry never got posted. I just posted it a few minutes ago. It's a sunny morning here in scenic Taterville. The little stream by the house is rushing happily by as a result of all the rain they've had up here. A person could almost go whitewater rafting in it. I survived the big barbeque last night. Wowsers, McCains really goes all out. I got filled up on steak and fixens. The North Carleton High School really rocked as the dj played tunes from the seventies from the impressive sound system with stacks of speakers piled upwards of over twelve feet. Wahooooooo. The food was great and a team of people went from table to table topping up the wine glasses whenever they became half empty. They were so efficient that they even found time to do it when the glasses were half full, too. I was so full I ended up giving away my four beverage tickets.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

JUN 10/06 6:19 AM

It looks like it's going to be a nice day in Metro Moncton. I'm almost packed and soon will be on my way to Taterland. I think I'm going to sleep good on the bus. I'm not used to being up all night when I'm sober. Tonight I might step off my short wagon ride tonight. I am going to a social function and will inherit 4 beverage tickets. Last time I brought one of the tickets home by mistake. What a waste of paper. I donated a birdhouse for one of the door prizes. I'm crossing my fingers hoping to win. I haven't won a prize there yet. Holy Hannah, I finally got the dishes done last night. What a major acheivement. It almost ranks up there with graduating school or finding a shiny nickel. I'm off for a shower.

Friday, June 09, 2006

JUN 09/06 11:55 AM

It looks like it stopped raining. I actually be able to get out for a walk today without getting wet. I have a case of batteries for the mp3 player so I should be safe not running out of tunes. I'm trying to finish the dishers and get some other things done around here before I take off for a few days to visit Galpal. A woman's work is never done. That's why I should go out and pick up a few and bring them home. Hee hee, just kidding. Well, I'd better get moving or I'll still be sitting here tomorrow at this time and miss my bus.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

JUN 08/06 4:00 PM

I'm a bit slow at getting around today. Part is due to the fact that I have a hangover and part is due to the fact there is something wrong with the internet. Sites are down all over the place including this one. I had to slip in through a backlink. That ginger wine was some good last night but I may have had just a wee bit too much. My doctor told me to stop drinking beer and coffee wine, eat less, get more exercise, and lose some weight. I'm surprised he didn't tell me to get a haircut. Oh well, I'm back on the wagon again. Last night was just my last chance to be a rebel. I'd better go get breakfast before It's supper time.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

JUN 07/06 8:18 AM

It's a great looking day in Metro Moncton. I'm getting ready to go for a doctor's appointment. Hopefully he'ii tell me I'm still alive. His office is a great place to take a nap in unless someone brings in their kids. I might go to the beverage store when I'm up that way or stop at Arnold's for a loaf of bread on the way pedalling home. Prosperity has granted me three different kinds of peanut butter but I have no bread to put it on. I still haven't got the dishes completly done but I've set aside a few hours today to get the job completed (Wash one dish, surf the internet, repeat till done). I think it's time for breakfast. Oh, I forgot to mention, I beat J-Spook at crib last night. The poor little guy should know better than to challenge the grand master.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Jun 06/06 12:37 PM

It's a great looking day in the neighbourhood. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. It looks like a great day to mosey on into the laboratory and sample a few experiments. Riddle.. When is Willy Wuddle similar to Willy Gilligan? Answer.. When he makes Ginger wine. That was a bad one. I'd better get those dishes done before I get caught up in the Christmas rush.

Monday, June 05, 2006

JUN 05/06 10:48 AM

It looks like it might rain again today. Oh well, I have no place to go and all day to get there. I have to do the dishes today for sure. I have done nothing all weekend except sit on my arse in front of this puter. At least I'm getting my money's worth out of it. I think I'll go check the mailbox to see if I have the latest edition of the local flyers yet. Maybe Sobey's will be having a sale or something. Well, just like a cheap pair of pantyhose, I gotta run. That was a bad one.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

JUN 04/06 7:21 AM

It's a dark looking day outside for being a Sunday. I'm just sitting in my puter chair anxiously waiting to see if I get any exciting e-mail today. I'm in a rather frisky mood this morning and feal like a teenager going on a big date. Hey, that's not too bad for an old geezer like myself especially this early in the morning (before 7:30 am). I think I'll invest some of this positive energy into doing some dishes then make some breakfast. La la la la la la.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

JUN 03/06 9:39 AM

It looks like a nice day to tackle my dishes. They've been piling up for the last few days. Not much is new here. I'm not too lively from my little sipping spree Thursday night. I'll probably never learn. I'd better go and eat breakfast then I might shave or take a nap.

Friday, June 02, 2006

JUN 02/06 6:01 PM

Good morning to one and all. Due to the fact that I make good coffee brew I slept most of the day. At 5 AM, 6 AM, 7 AM......11 AM the weather looked nice in Metro Moncton. I got overmedicated last night as a result of making good brew. Last night I thought I was the pope and kept going to the VAT AGAIN. That was a bad one but at closing time I won't get any better. I'm happy as poop today. I won an autographed Gilligan's Island script on E-Bay. Wahoooooo.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

JUN 01/06 10:52 AM

Holy Hannah, it's June already. Where did the summer go? Soon it will be Christmas, Ho Ho Ho. It is a dark and spooky looking day in Metro Moncton. The neighbourhood is quiet and I might have to take a nap just to see if I can make the phone ring. Hee hee. I was talking to John Bobbitt on the phone last night and guess what.....He got cut off. That was a terrible one. I took a vote with myself and decided to sample some ginger wine later on today. Sometimes I have to wonder if I'm a scientist or a non unionized lab rat. If I get poopeyed enough I can be both. I'm going for a nap.