adopt your own virtual pet!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

MAY 31/12 11:21 PM

In the morning I seniorsat. Later I took a nap. I was bored so I went on a bus excursion to the beer store and Micky D's. I bought beer at the beer store and asked for extra cash back (cheaper than paying $2.00 to use a TURD party bank machine). The busses were shutting down early (darn politics) and I ended up walking five blocks home in the pouring rain. I survived the ordeal and drank my beer. I'm still alive. I'm off to finish my beer then get some much needed beauty sleap.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

MAY 30/12 11:54 PM

I pedalled to SDM to buy a bus pass then went on a Whopper run. I stopped by the beer store. Later I drank the beer while playing on the puter. I took a long power nap and just woke up a few minutes ago. I'm off to surf the internet.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MAY 29/12 11:59 PM

Today was a long day. I woke up around 1:30 am, 3:30 am, 4:15 am, etc, etc. I seniorsat twice and played on the puter. In the evening I pedalled to Victoria Park, loccked up my bike, then went on a bus excursion. I went to the beer store and McDonald's. On the way home I asked for a bus transfer to get home. Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window and noticed the bus passed my bike. I quickly gave the driver back his bus transfer and got off the bus, then pedalled the rest of the way home. After that I enjoyed a couple of beer and played on the puter. I'm going to enjoy my last beer now before heading off to watch some tv.

Monday, May 28, 2012

MAY 28/12 11:58 PM

I played on the puter most of the day. I was bored and went on a crosstown bus excursion. Out of four busses I was on, none had wifi. I stopped by the beer store and bought three beer. I enjoyed the beer while playing on the puter some more. I'm off to watch some tv.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

MAY 27 2012 11:57 PM

It was quiet at the market.One person fed me and two [eople gave me coffee. I stayed awake all day. After the market I went to a barbeque at Cookies. I got quite full and took a long nap on the couch.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

MAY 26/12 11:18 PM

It was quiet at the market. One person fed me and two gave me coffee so it was a good day. I filed a lot of my new stuff away and my corner lookes a lot neeter than last Sunday. It has to because last Sunday I couldn't even see my corner. After I got home I took a small nap then had supper at Cookie's. We had chicken and salad with a danish for desert. I finally got Blackberry Desktop installed on my puter. I guess I had to have a good internet connection for it to install properly. I'm loading up my tablet with movies to watch at the narket tomorrow. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, May 25, 2012

MAY 25/12 11:05 PM

Merry Christmas seven months early. That's right Christmas is coming. Don't say I didn't warn you. I seniorsat this afternoon then played on the puter. Later I took a nap then played on the puter again. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

MAY 24/12 11:45 PM

Today was a long but good day. I woke up around 1:38 am, then 2:15 am, then 3:10 am. I seniorsat then went to the soup kitchen where I enjoyed two plates of scalloped potatoes, turnips, carrots, and salad. I also ate two bowls of vegetable beef soup, two rolls with butter, and seven crackers. I washed it down with a coffee and a glass of juice. After that I went on a bike trip to Dieppe. I bought a couple of beer then bought a bus pass at SDM in Champlain Place. I hopped on the bus (my bike hopped on the bike rack) and went up Mountain Rd. I bought a couple of beer at the Mountain Rd beer store then started pedalling home. I made a few stops then finally made it home. I disposed of the beer in a safe place. I'm tired and am off to bed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

MAY 23/12 11:37 PM

I went on a Whopper run but left my carry bag home. It was raining out, and the paper bags were getting wet, so I stopped at the beer store to get a couple of plastic bags. I decided today was a good day to step off the wagon so I bought two beer. They were good with my Whoppers, but not as good as they used to seem. Later I played on the puter then took a nap. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MAY 22/12 9:46 PM

I woke up around 5:00 am. I played on the puter for about an hour then headed next door to see how the dog was doing. She wasn't doing very well and took about an hour to get to the front door. The poor girl couldn't even stand up. I helped her out into the porch where she slept all day. We ended up getting her put to sleep. I'm tired and going to bed.
PRINCESS 1999-2012
Goodbye Princess. I love you and miss you.

Monday, May 21, 2012

MAY 21/12 11:58 PM

My day started about 5:00 am. I played on the puter for a couple of hours then went to Cookie's for breakfast. After that we were on a bus excursion to Halifax. We got the front seat. I nodded off a couple of times and almost fell out of my seat and down the stairs. After a while Cookie pointed out that I had a folding armrest. That made a big difference. We wondered around the waterfront and Bishop's Landing for a couple of hours then headed back to the bus station. We got the front seats again on the way home. I thought this was great. We finally made it home and I was too pooped to poop. The dog's hind leg is giving her trouble so I made the equivalent of a wheel chair ramp for her. I hope it makes things a lot easier when she goes out tomorrow morning. I was going to take a nap but I got frigging on this puter again. I think I'm off to sleep through some tv.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

MAY 20/12 11:44 PM

I had fun at the market. One person fed me and two gave me coffee. I made a few sales and stayed awake all day. Somebody brought me in eighteen boxes of stuff. Holey Hannah, is my little corner ever crowded! I think I'll have to go in on Friday night to try and dig my way in. After the market I went to Cookie's for a barbeque. I ate four cheeseburgers and a piece of pork. Needless to say I got quite full. I'm off to get some beauty rest. Tomorrow I'm off to Halifax and I heard the Acadian busses now have wifi. No sleeping for me. Wahoooo.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

MAY 19/12 11:54 PM

I woke up around 5:00 am. I played on the puter til about 8:00 am then got ready to go to the market. It was quiet at the market and I got lots of rest and relaxation. I sold for $1.00 for myself and $5.00 for Percy. It wasn't a profitable day moneywise but I still had fun. One person fed me and gave me coffee. Another brought in three boxes of stuff I can sell. I played on the puter when I got home then took the dog for a walk. I played on the puter some more and think I'll be getting some much needed beauty sleep after I watch tv for five or ten minutes.

Friday, May 18, 2012

MAY 18/12 11:00 PM

It was a long day. I went on a bike excursion from Northwest Center to the Colliseum to Victoria Park then to my Cookie's bank then home. I'm too pooped to poop. After that I took the dog for a walk. I played on the puter for awhile then took a nap. After that I went to the Acadian bus station and got a free round trip ticket to Halifax. I almost got a one way ticket by mistake. I played on the puter some more. My landlady called and gave me some Vito's pizza. It was quite good. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

MAY 17/12 10:45 PM

I seniorsat then took the dog for two walks. Later I played on the puter. For the first time in a long time I didn't have any puter problems. I can't get sound from my speakers but ths just because there is an extension cord unplugged somewhere under the desk. I consumed lots of food and took a nap on the couch. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

MAY 16/12 11:54 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on a Whopper run. I was waiting for the bus in front of Highfield Square and had to pee quite badly. Public washrooms are very rare and hard to find around there so I peed between two dumpsters behind the Colonial Inn. One top was open so I had to almost be a contortionist to do my business. I almost missed my bus by the time I got back. My puter must have picked up a virus this morning and it was down almost all day. I was at my wits end by the time I finally got it up and running again. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MAY 15/12 11:42 PM

I seniorsat and took the dog for two walks. Later I played on the puter and consumed lots of food. I took a nap and played on the puter some more. I'm off to take out the garbage then watch some tv.

Monday, May 14, 2012

MAY 14/12 10:56 PM

I went to the food bank then helped Mrs W get ready to go home. After that I took the dog for a walk then played on the puter. I can't get my new puter to work. I installed extra ram then can't seam to get it to boot up. It's too bad because it is a really nice machine. Possibly it may need an operating system or something. I'm off to watch some tv.

MAY 14/12 8:49 AM (FOR MAY 13/12)

It was slow at the market but two people fed me and two gave me coffee. I stayed awake the whole day. After the market I went to wish my mother Happy Mother's Day. After that Mrs W took me to Boston Pizza for supper. I had a big plate of nachos. They were quite good. After that I got cranky because the internet wasn't working. It was down all night and I had to force myself not to use bad language.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

MAY 13/12 12:22 AM (FOR MAY 12/12)

It was slow at the market. Two people fed me and two gave me coffee. I had pizza for supper at Cookies. Later I Kicked her and Mrs W's arses at wii bowling. Later my harddrive finally croaked in my laptop. I am not a happy camper. I'm off to get some beauty rest.

Friday, May 11, 2012

MAY 11 2012 11:59 PM

I woke up around 5:00 am. Mrs W and myself went to Tim Horton's for breakfast before heading back to Moncton. I had some kind of breakfast thingie, a donut, and an extra large double double. We stopped at the Salisbury Big Stop where she had chicken and I had fried clams. The battery in my tablet went dead and I got zapped into a blue screen. I downloaded an update and somehow erased everything. I finally got it working but lost a poopload of files. In the evening we went to see the new Safe movie. Somehow I got hypnotised by the movie and nodded off a few times. I'm off to watch some tv.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MAY 10/12 10:24 PM

My day started off with seniorsitting. After that it was time for the dog to take me for a walk. I packed up my packsack and myself and Mrs W went to Saint John. She took me to Burger King for supper then we went to see the Cirque du Soleil. I'm not sure how to describe the show. I'll have to toss a coin to decide between "WOW" or "HOLEY SHIT!". I'm off to help Mrs W watch some tv.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

MAY 09/12 10:52 PM

It was a productive day. I had a good doctor's appointment. I took my father to buy lots of flowers then went on a Whopper run. After that I took the dog for a walk then took a nap. I played on the puter then took another nap. At the bowling banquet I got filled with steak and other food. Pointwise, my team was tied for first place with two other teams. We had the most pinfall and are the champions. When I got home I played on the puter then helped Mrs W watch some tv. I'm off to watch some more tv.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

MAY 08/12 10:35 PM

I started the day seniorsitting. Later I took the dog for two walks. Mrs W took me to the casino for dinner. The place was almost empty as it was full price day. Still the food was very good and I ate a lot. Later I took a nap on the couch. For supper Mrs W brought home some Bravo pizza. I think I'm full. I'm off to watch some tv.

Monday, May 07, 2012

MAY 07/12 11:41 PM

Mrs W and myself went on a trip to scenic downtown Riverview. Later I played on the puter and took a nap on the couch. I took the dog for a walk and played on the puter some more. The internet was acting up so I took another nap. It acted up all evening and I was getting pi55ed off. I'm off to watch some tv.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

MAY 06/12 11:11 PM

It was quiet at the market again. One person fed me and three gave me coffee so it wasn't too bad of a day. After the market I went to Cookie's for a barbeque. I ate two cheeseburgers, a steak, and a piece of Mrs W's birthday cake. I got quite full. BURRRP, Please excuse me but noise from the top end is much better and politer than noise from the bottom end. I'm off to help Mrs W watch some tv.

MAY 06/12 12:25 AM (FOR MAY 05/2012)

It was quiet at the market again, but two people fed me and one gave me coffee. Amazingly I managed to stay awake all day. After the market I played on the puter then went to Cookie's to put her barbeque together. Four hours and many magic words later it was finally put together. We commemorated the occassion by eating Greco pizza and garlic fingers. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, May 04, 2012

MAY 04/12 11:24 PM

I took the dog for a walk then did the laundry. I actually stayed awake the whole time at the laundrymatt. After that I went to the Super Store. I left my wallet home again and had to put a bag of chips back. After that Mrs W took me to East Side Mario's for dinner. I had pizza, ceasar salad, and root beer. It was quite good. After I got home I played on the puter then we went to the flea market to change my stuff around a bit.When we got back home I played on the puter then watched some tv. I'm off to wtch some more tv.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

MAY 03/12 10:17 PM

I started the day seniorsitting. After that I took the dog for a walk. I took a nap on the couch then played on the puter. I took the dog for another walk. It was sunny and nice and warm out so we took our jolly old time. Mrs W took me to Jungle Jim's for supper. We had french fries, chicken wraps, gator skins, and lots of root beer. After that I took another nap then played on the puter again. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

MAY 02/12 11:18 PM

I took the dog for a walk then went on a Whopper run. After that I went to Social Services to get an important piece of paper. When it came time to leave I found out we only got ten minutes free parking instead of thirty minutes. I didn't have the $2.00 fee to cover the parking and they didn't take debit. The parking employee let me go. Later myself and Mrs W ewnt to the casino for supper. There was a huge lineup for the resteraunt, but at the price of $6.99 each we were willing to wait. A lady and her husband each won dinner for two and could only use one certificate so she gave us the other one. We were happy as poop. The food was good and I got stuffed. When we got home I took a nap in my puter chair. Later we watched some tv. I'm off to get some much needed beauty rest.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

MAY 01/12 10:55 PM

Today I seniorsat and took the dog for two walks.On the second walk we were joined by a dog out wandering around and three pidgeons. It was quite the parade, the six of us strolling down the sidewalk. After that I took a nap on the couch. Later the wifi was acting up and I started to get cranky. Right now Mrs W is watching Prancing With The Stars so I'm not going near the tv. I'm off to avoid some tv.

MAY 01/12 6:58 PM (FOR APR 30/2012)

I took the dog for two walks and tidied up the old homestead a bit. Mrs W came for a visit. Somehow I forgot to post in my diary.