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Sunday, July 31, 2011

JUL 31/11 11:01 PM

It was quiet again at the market but two people fed me. Later, I had a barbeque at Cookie's. I drank some beer and am happy as poop. I'm off to surf the internet and watch some tv.

JUL 31/11 12:11 PM (FOR JUL 30/11)

It was slow at the market but two people fed me. Later I went on a bus excursion and bought some beer. The beer was good and is a fond memory. I'm off to watch some tv.

Friday, July 29, 2011

JUL 29/11 11:50PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on a bus excursion. I stopped at McDonald's and the beer store on the way home, purchasing three beer and four McDoubles. They were quite good, BUUUUURRRRRRRP, please excuse me. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

JUL 27/11 11:35 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on two bus excursions, falling asleep for a few seconds on both. I guess I get my best sleep when it rains. I purchased a one terabite external harddrive and am encripting it now. There is only 26 hours to go before it is done. I had Whoppers and beer for supper. That has to be the poor man's gourmet dinner. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

JUL 26/11 11:57 PM

I took the dog for a couple of walks and went on a bus excursion. I bought some beer and got caught in the rain. Whether I'm wet or dry beer is always good. I'm off to watch some tv.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jul 25/11 11:37 PM

It was quiet at the market again, but that was mostly because the market was closed. Today I took the dog for two walks and went on two bus excursions. The first was a trip around the Elmwood loop. I bought some beverages. The second excursion was with Cookie. I went to the beer store and to Burger King. For some reason the usual late bus came early and we missed it. We got off at Victoria Park, I mean we got off the bus, you pervert. We had dinner on the Thomas William's house steps. I swigged back a quick beer. We made it home and I am relaxing and enjoying what's left of the beer and other beverages in the fridge. I just picked a small onion ring from a button in my shirt. It's not an actual ONION RING but a small loop of onion. It sure tastes some frigging good. I'm off to watch some tv.

Jul 25/11 11:37 pm

Sunday, July 24, 2011

JUL 24/11 11:26 PM

My day started with me waking up around 3:30 am. I tried to get back to sleep, and couldn't, so I surfed the internet. While I was waiting for my drive to the market my father gave me two Whoppers. One I ate sitting in my chair on the front steps and the other I ate at the market. Yum yum, breakfast of champions. I made a few sales at the market but most of them were for other people. Two people fed me and I nodded off a couple of times. I took a nap on the couch when I got home. I played on the puter and surfed the internet. I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

JUL 23/11 11:42 PM

It was quiet at the market but I sold better than usual. Two people fed me and I got quite full. Later I went on a bus excursion/beer run. I recieved a couple of my favourite beer for going. I played on the internet and watched some tv. I'm off to get some much needed beauty sleep.

JUL 23/11 12:23 AM (FOR JUL 22/11)

I got my gst cheque. I showed up to take the dog for a walk but she was gone for a haircut. I showed up in the afternoon and took her on a walk. Later I went on a bus excursion, stopping at the beer store and Burger King for essential supplies. I'm off to watch some cartoons on tv.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

JUL 21/11 9:42 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on a bus excursion. I stopped at the beer store and at Burger King. I got soaking wet in the rain. When I got home I sipped on some beer and surfed the internet. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

JUL 20/11 11:09 PM

I took the dog for a walk and went on a couple of bus excursions. Somebody gave me beer and pizza. BUUUURRRRP, Please excuse me. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

JUL 19/11 11:40 PM

I took the dog for a couple of walks then went on a bus excursion. My father gave me some money to buy myself a case of beer so I spent some of it at the beer store and some at Burger King. My dressing for my operation was coming off this afternoon because my chest was sweaty. I patched it up with duck tape and now the thing is on just as good as new. I'm off to watch some tv. If you see Bernice waiting for a bus tell her I'll be right home. Keep your stick on the ice.

Monday, July 18, 2011

JUL 18/11 11:58 PM

Today was my birthday, and still is for a minute or so. I took the dog for two walks. I went on a couple of bus excursions. I drank some beer and am happy as poop. I watched some tv and surfed the internet a bit. I'm off to watch some more tv.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

JUL 17/11 11:14 PM

I made a couple of sales at the market. Two people fed me, one bought me a coffee, and another gave me a twelve pack of beer. Later I played on the puter then took a nap. I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

JUL 16/11 11:48 PM

It was a bit slow at the market but I made a few sales and three people fed me. Later I went on a bus excursion where I bought some beer, and went on a tour all through Moncton. I'm off to watch some tv then surf the internet.

Friday, July 15, 2011

JUL 15/11 11:11 PM

I made it home safely this morning and found my chest to feal very uncomfortable. I had an idea that if I went for a bus ride it would relax and massage the the tender area. It worked and I feal way better than I did a few hours ago. The trip to the beer store might also help a bit, too, but the bus did wonders. I'm off to watch some tv.

JUL 15/11 9:52 AM (FOR JUL 14/11)

I got my operation done. The doctor added two wires to the device to help me breathe better. It was a strange fealing having somebody working in my chest while I was still awake. I went to go to the bathroom two hours after the operation but got chased back to bed. I didn't know I was supposed to wait four hours. Later I snuck to the kitchen three times.

JUL 15/11 9:50 PM (FOR JUL 13/11)

I was supposed to get my operation done but got bumped til tomorrow. Later somebody made the mistake of showing me where the kitchen is. I made a couple of pit stops for milk and toast.

JUL 15/11 9:46 AM (FOR JUL 12/11)

Thanks to Joan I made it to the hospital in Saint John safe and sound. They fed me good and I layed around most of the day.

Monday, July 11, 2011

JUL 11/11 10:52 PM

I took the dog for two walks then went on a beer store/pharmacy bus excursion. I got sidetracked to McDonalds where I purchased a very large root beer and two Mc Doubles. Tomorrow morning I leave around 9:00 AM to go to Saint John to get my ICD batteries replaced. The operation is supposed to be on Wednesday, and I'm supposed to return on Thursday. If you don't hear from me by Friday there were complications. If I'm not at the market on Saturday I'm probably still recovering. If I'm not at the market on Sunday I'm probably dead. Anybody who knows me knows I'll never miss two market days in a row. I'm off to get a snack before going to bed. Tomorrow morning will soon be here.

JUL 11/11 12:04 AM (FOR JUL 10/11)

It was quiet at the market again but 3 people fed me so it was a good day. I nodded off then played on the puter when I got home. After that I took a nap. I'm off to watch some tv.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

JUL 09/11 11:17 PM

It was slow at the market again. I think it was mostly due to the pouring rain. Two people fed me so it was a good day. Cookie talked me into going on a bus excursion and we saw lots of classic cars and hotrods in our travels. Frannie went to the beer store earlier in the day so I had some beer to sip on when I got home. I was watching one of my favourite movies of all time, Flashback, when I took a break to post this diary entry. I'm off to enjoy the remainder of the movie.

Friday, July 08, 2011

JUL 08/11 11:25 PM

I took the dog for two walks then went on a bus excursion. After that I sipped on a couple of brew and watched Hobo With A Shotgun. I'm off to surf the internet.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

JUL 07/11 11:31 PM

I took the dog for two walks and napped on the couch. Later I went on a bus excursion. I drank some beer and played on the puter after I got home. I'm off to watch some tv.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

JUL 06/11 11:26 PM

I went to the food back in the morning and got three bags of food. In the afternoon I went to sign up for some volunteer work. I had to sign lots of forms. As my signiture consists of scribbling my name and placing a blue thumb print over it, you can imagine the two messy blue thumbs I ended up with. After that it was off to the cop shop for a background check. I needed two pieces of id, one with a picture. All I had was my medicare card so it was a wasted trip. Later I took the dog for a walk. In the evening I went on a bus excursion then played on the puter. I'm off to watch some tv.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

JUL 05/11 11:55 PM

I took the dog for two walks and napped on the couch. Later I went on a bus excursion then enjoyed a couple of beer. I'm off to watch some tv.

Monday, July 04, 2011

JUL 04/11 11:33 PM

I took the dog for two walks and went on a couple of bus excursions. I watched some tv and played on the puter. I'm off to surf the internet.

JUL 04/11 1:15 AM (FOR JUL 03/11)

It was quiet at the market. Two people fed me. Later I relaxed on one of my neighbour's folding chairs. I inherited a pressure cooker that looks like it might be able to be converted into a small still. Hmm, that idea staggers my imagination.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

JUL 03/11 3:12 AM (FOR JUL 02/11)

It was slow at the market but one person fed me so it was a good day. I went on a beer run for my landlord and was rewarded with pizza and beer. I'm partially poopeyed and am off for a nap.

Friday, July 01, 2011

JUL 01/11 11:47 PM

It was a long day. I got a phone call from my landlord about 4:30 am telling me a bear cub passed through the yard. We sat out in the porch and had a couple of beer. I was half expecting to see the mother to make a trip through. In the morning I took the dog and her cousin for a walk. In the afternoon I took the dog for another walk. My landlord had the barbeque going and cooked me up a big steak. With beer and french fries I was soon very full and had to sit in the front porch for a while. I was thinking about going to the free April Wine concert on Main Street but talked myselfout of it, using the rain, mosquitos, crowds, and being tired as an excuse not to go. From what I heard I missed a really good show. The fireworks sounded good, too. I'm off for some much needed beauty sleep.