SEP 30/08 9:42 PM
I didn't do much today. I mostly over ate and played on the puter. I think I'm going to the beverage store tomorrow and buy a beverage or two. Then again I might not. I'm off to watch some tv.
My Secret Diary.
I didn't do much today. I mostly over ate and played on the puter. I think I'm going to the beverage store tomorrow and buy a beverage or two. Then again I might not. I'm off to watch some tv.
I had a quiet day. I cooked some Kraft Dinner for dinner and some twisty pasta with cucumbers and tomatoes for supper. I played on the puter a lot and faught off the temptation to buy some cheap wine at the beverage store. I'm off to watch some tv.
It was another quiet day at the flea market. I had a couple of sales but am far from rich yet. I think it will soon bed bedtime for Bonzo here as I was awake early this morning.
I didn't do much today. I mostly recovered from last night's overindulgence of cheap cooking wine. I hope to make a couple of dollars at the flea market tomorrow as it will be closing in a couple of weeks.
I got out biking a couple of times then got rip roaring poopeyed.
I didn't do much today. I mostly played on the puter. I organized my cupboards a bit then ate some food from them. I hopefully will get paid tomorrow so I can pay a few bills. That should get me out of the house for awhile. I'm off to surf some more internet.
I had a buzy day. I hauled some stuff home from the flea market, made two trips to the bottle redemption center, bowled, cooked, played on the puter, and sold a couple of items. I'm tired as heck and am going to bed.
It has been another day where I played on the puter all day. I ordered a new laptop today. I should have it in about three weeks. I think I'll pedal to the flea market tomorrow and start bringing some things home. I'm off to watch some tv or maybe even sleep a bit. I missed out on my afternoon nap so the pillows should be nice.
I played on the puter all day and washed a couple of dishes. I'm tired and off to bed.
I found out the flea market is going to close in a couple of weeks. I'm depressed as shit as I was waiting all summer for the fall when business usually starts picking up. It was a nice day for biking despite my slow leak in the back tire. At least it was a good evening for playing on the puter. I'm off to watch some tv.
I played on the puter a lot of the day, I washed a lot of dishes, and I pedalled to the beer store. The homemade macaroni and cheap cooking wine I bought are going down some nice. I'm off to watch some tv.
I didn't do much today. I relaxed and played on the puter a lot. I almost pedalled to the beer store but my landlord bought me a couple of beer so I stayed home. The two beer were better for me than the cheap cooking wine I was going to buy. I'm off to watch some tv.
I relaxed most of the day and played on the puter a lot. I think I need a change of scenery so I'm off to watch some tv.
I had a good doctor visit in the morning I hopefully got the rest of my red tape cut in the afternoon after making two trips. Bowling started in the evening. Todd, the bartender, kept feeding me barley soup (cold beer). I got a bit full of the suds and bowled a bit crappy.
I went on a mission to the bowling alley. When I got home I played a couple of cds. I went out pedalling and stopped by the beer store. I'm happy and relaxing now. I'm off to watch some tv.
It was slow at the market today but I came home with $5.45 more than I started with. This was part due to the fact that I won the 50-50 draw of $4.50. I went pedalling to the park tonight and the air was nice and cool. It didn't stop the mosquitoes so I left for home. I'm off to watch some tv.
I did nothing except eat, wash dishes, and play on the puter all day. I was so bored I went to bed early forgetting to enter in my diary.
I went to the collective kitchen this afternoon. We made enchiladas, shepard's pie, turkey lasagna, and rice crispy squares. They were all quite tasty. Tonight I got Chicken Wing's puter on the internet again. After that Cookie gave me lots of pizza to eat. I'm off to watch some tv. Buuurrrrp, Please excuse me.
My trip to the collective got cancelled so I played on the puter all day. I tried to get Chicken Wing's laptop going tonight but had no luck except at home with my connection and password. I'm tired so I'm off to sleep through some tv.
I went to the foodbank then myself and Mrs W went to Pizza Delight for dinner. I had a good defibulator checkup then took a nap after Mrs W went back home. This evening my landlord gave me some pizza and I went pedalling to the park. I think I've had enough to eat today. I'm off to watch some tv.
Myself and Mrs W went to Diesel's for dinner. I had a peanut butter pizza and she had a chicken one. In the afternoon we went to the zoo. I nodded off for a few seconds on one of the benches in the zoo. I'm off to watch some tv.
Myself and Mrs W went to Ponderosa for dinner. I had five plates of food and three glasses of pop. I was quite full going home. Later we played rumoli at my parent's place. I think I lost almost $1.00.
Today was a slow day at the market but better than the last few Sundays. I left with eleven more dollars than what I came with. Myself and Mrs W went to Burger King tonight. We each had a Double Whopper Jr Combo and a piece of Sundae Pie. I'm off to watch some tv.
I didn't do too much today. I washed the dishes, made a couple of nature calls, played on the puter, and ate and slept a lot of the day. I'm off to watch some tv.
I went over to the bowling alley today. Things were pretty quiet. Myself and Mrs W had steak and spagetti for supper. I was too full after the steak so I'll have my spagetti for breakfast tomorrow morning. I'm off to watch some tv.
Today myself and Mrs W went to the Haunted Mansion and the Wind Interpretion Center over in PEI. We had dinner at Sharky's and supper at Fisherman's Wharf. We arrived home safely and I'm tired. I'm off to bed. Goodnight.
Myself and Mrs W are over in PEI. I only made a couple of wrong turns and we eventually made it to North Rustico. We had supper at Fisherman's Wharf and we both got very full. Buuurp, Please excuse me. I have a case of DDD (Dan's Deadly Diarehia) and I feal like King For A Day, always sitting on the throne. We are staying at Clark's Motel in Summerside. It's a nice place. The room cost only $47.00 plus tax. They have wireless internet in the rooms and a public computer next to the main office. I'm off to watch some tv.
Myself and Mrs W went to the pharmacy, bowling alley, the bread store, the park, and we even got groceries. We frigged with my puter a lot. I'm off to bed.
Myself and Mrs W went to Pizza Delight in Riverview today for dinner and munched on the all you can eat buffett. I had 3 plates and two root beers. We installed a router for our puters after much trial and error. She kicked my arse at crib in Pogo. We had Deluxe cheeseburger platters for supper tonight. I'm off to watch some tv.